Nov 04, 2009 00:35
I was just wondering if anyone could answer my questions about a game. I'd like a new virtual pet in my life, but I don't think I'll find anything really cute and simple yet interesting. I don't want to take a lot of time away from playing WoW.
So I was wondering if anyone plays FooPets and could answer some questions? I tried FooPets the other day briefly, because the ads are just so adorable. After I'd started to play with my cat, a pop-up said it had to be linked to a Facebook acct. I don't have one and don't want one, I ended up clicking the box closed. That didn't make my pet disappear or anything, so I continued to play with her. I tried the water dish and the toy mouse and such. When I tried to wash her, it was some kind of mini game I didn't understand. I ended up holding the mouse button down and scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing (poor cat!) It kept telling me to hurry but I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I don't like apps that make me hold down the mouse button and move the mouse, since this seems to bother my arthritis and cause other pains in my arm. (I use autorun as much as I can in WoW so I don't have to do it as much--but I was hoping a pet game would be something that wouldn't involve intense gaming, a physical and mental break from something like WoW.) I also looked up some info on FooPets and frankly, it wasn't all good. But they are just so cute I'm still interested (just shoot me!)
So here are my questions about FooPets, if anyone plays and can help me. How much time a day does it take to care for a pet? Do you always end up spending some money, or is it possible to keep it well and happy just with daily care? Is the washing minigame a required thing I'd have to master to care for my pet? If so, how often do you have to do it? Are other minigames required or just optional? Thanks for any help you can give me!
And I'm not sure what to do about the Facebook thing if I did join.. I googled and found out they "insist" on real names, which I wouldn't use, so I'd risk getting banned. But I'm not sure if that would affect the pet though once I'd linked it to a page, the software may not repeatedly check if the page you linked it to is still there...