[It starts off when Kid clears his throat.]
I would like to... extend my most sincere of apologies to everyone who happened to be caught in the unfortunate shooting between Kirika and I. It should have not happened... I am truly sorry for harming any of you.
Nill, Jackie... thank you both for housing me as I recovered.
[Locked to Black*Star/Jackie/Kirika/Patti/Maka | Hackable]
I'm returning home today. Actually, I'll be there in a few minutes. Team... we should... talk. I'm not fully certain what happened once I left, but it would be nice if we could figure out what to do next time. Those of us who are chipped... we should pursue the doctors more on having them removed, and come up with preventive measures, were this to repeat.
I do hope you're all doing better, though.
[Locked to Kirika | Unhackable]
We need to talk. Preferably in person, if that's alright.