Yes, ME. Me, me, me...

Apr 08, 2007 01:40

Today Did You-
1. Talk to a boy/girl you like ?
Yesh. :D I am now. Spent the past 2 days with her.

2. Learn anything new?
Alligators can go a looooong time without eating :o

3.Talked to an ex?
I don't have one '>> Does Kevin from pre school count?

4.Miss someone?

-Last Person Who-

5.Laid in your bed?
Tiffany (MINE)

6. Made you cry?
Stupid dad who should burn in hell

7. You went to the movies with?
Tiffany. We went to see Meet The Robinsons....I LOVED IT!!

8. Went to the mall with you?
Sarah. '>> and that was a while ago

9. You showered with?
my...self? '>.>

10. Made you laugh?

-General stuff-

16. Favorite location?
anywhere with Tiff

When I'm 18. prolly gonna get one of the circular seals with tribal wrappings around my left shoulder.

18. What are you most scared of this second?
Being separated from the things I care about.

19. Where do you want to get married?
Some old, gothic church. Or in the forest. Something NON-catholic, y'know? lol

21. Does anyone like you?
I hope so. '>>

22. Do you like being around people?
sometimes. depends

23.Have you ever cried?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're funny.

24. Are you lonely right now?
Little bit.

25. Song stuck in your head?
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy

26. Been on radio/TV?
My MOM has '>>

28. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?

30. what color shirt are you wearing right now?
Black, like usual.

31. Name three things that you do every day .
Talk to tiff, go on the computer, sing..

32. How much cash do you have on you right now?
er... i think i still have about 50 from Christmas lol

33. Are you bored?

35. Who got you to join Myspace?

Tiffany -.-'

38. What web site do you visit the most?

39. Do you have plants in your room?
I used to have a bamboo plant...but it like turned black and died. '>> My room kills things.

41. Who was the last person to hug you?


1.What is your display name about?
my character Jaxx.

2.Where was your default picture taken?
er... i don't remember?

4.What's your current relationship status?
since Feb 21 (somewhere around there actually ^^')

5. Honestly, if someone were to tell you how they felt, would you listen?
Yes, and depending on the situation, i would reply honestly. lol jk

6. Whats your current mood?
gfkudguasgdflajsdhgfasuid (yup)

7. Whats your most valued possession?
ARGH! Tiffany. XD Is she a posession?

8. How are things in your relationship?
grrrrrrreat! like frosted flakes! :D

10. If you could go back in time, and change something would you?
I would go back to my childhood and make sure i didn't eat so much! D:<

11. If you must be an animal for a day, what would you be?
Wolf...or a snake...or a crow... depends on my mood

12. Ever had a near death experience?

16. Name someone with the same B-day as you?
HAHAHA! I have no idea. You tell me.

17. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

18. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite same sex? (I had to fix the question for me...hahahaha)
what they where '>>

19. What do you usually order from starbucks?
i don't go to starbucks '>>

20. Have you ever had a drunken week?
I've never been drunk

21. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
YES!!! ^^

23. Name something that happened to you today.
I played video games all day with Tiff XD

24. Do you speak any other language?
fragments of german and jap

25. Is there someone on your mind now?

26. What hurts you at the moment?
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