Mar 28, 2010 16:49
So I suppose an introduction might be in order.
I'm not good at coming up with random facts about myself on the spot, but I suppose I can give it an honest try.
I'm new to the community, yet at the same time familiar. I have made a few other accounts on here but never actually used them. I intend to use this one, partially because I bet my friend Lynn will make me. But hey, that's life right?
For starters, I don't know as much about life as I would like to. I want to travel the world, but for right now I'm stuck in the small town I grew up in. Isn't that everyone's thoughts through adolescence? I hope to live in either LA or London someday.
I want to spend my life putting artwork onto other people's bodies. Hearing their stories and getting to know the people in exchange for doing what I love appeals to me so much.
I have a highly complicated mind that oftentimes comes off as childlike wonder.
I observe everything very carefully, and then can spend hours or days analyzing it in my head.
I have trouble telling the difference between my imagination and reality, since reality isn't always the most appealing place to be.
I adore video games, almost to an unhealthy extent I might add.
I have infatuations for Squall Leonhart, Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, Sephiroth, and Axel.
I would consider myself insane, but that could be just me.