I dun got myself tagged
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I gave my brother a permanent scar when we were kids. We got into a fight while we were being babysat. I smacked him in the face and one of my nails caught him on the cheek and he has a little scratch mark to commemorate that special day. BUT WE'RE COOL NOW and I'm not violent guys, honest.
2. I used to play the sitar in highschool. I had to quit after a few years because it was too large and bulky for me to take home and practice, which probably hurt my progression rate. Kind of miss playing it but I don't miss it constantly giving me a dead foot.
3. I also have a permanent scar, on my head. When I was in nursery school I apparently cut my head open on a coat hanger or something like that. I say apparently because I don't remember ANY of this happening. I have no memory of the incident, just the scar to prove that my parents weren't making shit up.
4. The first games console I remember playing was the BBC Micro and the first game I played was Repton... and I was terrified of it. I still find older graphics a bit unsettling at times.
5. Unfinished sketchbooks, I HAVE A LOT OF THEM. I've got a horrible habit of starting a sketchbook, filling it about halfway then starting another one.
6. I used to collect grasshoppers during lunchtime in the big field at the back of my junior school when I was around ten or eleven years old, and then set them free after school in my garden. I stopped when after picking up one grasshopper, its legs fell off.
7. I can imitate a fire alarm noise... well the one that was at my university dorm.
jestergundam ,
candeefloss ,
dailymutterings ,
stokely00 ,
low_on_mana ,
xamda ,
samatethecookie but screw the rules ''whoever wants to do it'' can aswell. Jeez what a pushy meme.
I need to stop listening to this I need to stop listening to this I need to stop listening to this why can't I stop listening to this it's too damn catchy
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