Feb 10, 2005 21:52
life is lame lately. i've been so unmotivated and i haven't really done anything of substance. this week at school has been soooooooooooooo long. i really hate all of my classes except ethics and entrepreneurship. i only have ethics twice a week and entrepreneurship once, so the rest of my week is consumed by 5 classes that i hate. i've been so tired all week too. i'm always tired, it's nothing new, but a few days i just came home and crashed or at least tried to. the one time i was interrupted by a frantic call from specs wanting me to tape "gilmore girls" for him because he forgot to set a tape before he went to work. we taped it for him while we went back to duquesne to play bingo. none of us won anything.
i did finish reading dude, where's my country? finally and i started on stupid white men. now i have a dilemma. i'm into only the first chapter and i ordered fast food nation and it arrived today. i really want to read that! i haven't been able to find anytime to read for enjoyment in so long. the only reason i've gotten any done this week is because i've avoided doing school work. i just can't read textbooks. i can read an entire book in a couple hours, but i can't even read a chapter in a textbook in the same amount of time.
today was so long. i had classes, then work, then therapy, then heidi and i went to oakland to the pittsburgh athletic association to see this entrepreneur speak. he's the one that created southside works. the guy was such a douche. ugh! he was a terrible speaker, he didn't have anything interesting to say, he made really stupid jokes about sex and drugs, and he put people's questions down. plus, there wasn't enough seating so we had to share chairs. there were 2 people there that go to school with us so they were sitting with us and we had 2 chairs between the 4 of us. my ass totally fell asleep for an hour. not good. i'm going to be a much cooler entrepreneur than that guy and if i have to speak, i'll make sure there is adequate seating.
tomorrow is friday...i don't know what i'm doing other than school and work. i'd kinda like to go to gabe's or something and find some shirts, but i dunno. i need some nicer ones...cute button-down ones, perhaps. saturday, we're going bowling. i still have to determine who's definitely going. well, i think i'm going to go read some more. it relaxes me.