May 22, 2005 11:23
So one of the worst weeks ever....
But thanks to my FAVORITEST princess EVER-I got through it. So did she. So did you. So did WE.
Thank you SARAH ASSLEY BEEBES, for being the best friend I could ever have. For making me feel like I can laugh even when the times are among the worst. Thank you for being one of the most BEAUTIFULEST PEOPLE I KNOW-inside and out. Thank you for helping me ALL the freaking time. Thank you for making me feel like I actually have someone who I can talk to unconditionally ALWAYS. I love you to death. You better know it.
I saw The Underpants on Friday EVENING after a wonderful mall excursion with my lovely Belle. It was HILARIOUS. Rebeccabiscuit-you are amazing. What a great show. But afterwards all I could think of is how im going to miss some of my FAVORITE seniors ever. Its going to SUCK without some of them there to make me smile everyday. Come back and visit your little soon-to-be junior friend? KTHANKS.
Im pretty sure I love how far people have come this year. Change-wise. I now understand why they say you find yourself in high school. I could have sworn in 8th grade that I knew who I was and that was what i wanted to be for the rest of forever. And generally...I am pretty close to the same in some aspects. But others definately not. I like how Ive changed for the most part. Hopefully other people feel the same way. But if not the OH WELL. Weve still got the rest of our lives to be the person we are meant to be.
So cool...that was my random one post a YEAR.
Kiss my ass ELJAY
OH-and the 3rd Star Wars movie IS AMAZING.Like amazing times 457839485793845^45934857934857938475