Oh, what the fuck...

Sep 04, 2008 14:33

...am i gonna post today? i love journaling. i even do it randomly with paper and pen (ya know, those tools of yesteryear). but half the thoughts that come meandering out of my skull only seem to make sense to me or maybe i am just not okay with being public, even if it is in the rather ambiguous world of the Web. i am just a kaleidoscope of interests, dislikes, obsessions (some really weird ones), and just plain...well, shit.

to start with, i love the cats. i adore them. yes, all five of my babies. notice they are "my babies", but not "my cats" necessarily. there is a difference (well, in my mind anyhow and since this is my journal...) and it is this: you don't adopt cats, they adopt you. any true cat lover knows this because well, if the kitty doesn't fancy you, you might as well stick a fork in that relationship. that's it. cats are not shy about how they feel and are sure as hell not shy about expressing it. if they don't like you, you will know soon enough and they seldom change their mind (and even if they do, you can tell that some part of their heart is still never gonna hold you dear). if i ever believe wholeheartedly in the idea of reincarnation, it will be because of my babies. they more "real" than any human i know (yes, even the progeny), and no matter what, they will love me forevermore. end. finis.

the first one is the Queen of the Pack: the one and only Ebony. the DH (in this case, not Dear Husband, but Dear Hillbilly) lovingly calls her "Black Bitch" and says she emulates me, bipolar and all (yes, i am actually diagnosed bipolar disorder I and borderline personality disorder). hey, Ebony is just picky about who is going to exist in her world. i happen to just be a citizen of said world. don't be a hater, lol. she is also not as of yet spayed, but being she is an indoor cat, hopefully that will stay any potential pregnancy until i can afford to get her fixed.

the next cat is her ever-suffering lover of hers, Milo. he is 35 pounds of pure scaredy cat love. no, he is not overweight (well, not much), as he is over 4 feet long tip to tail and has the paw size of a medium build dog. yes, he is a tomcat and maybe part mountain lion. we haven't decided yet. even though he and Ebony can get the passion on, seeing as he is neutered, well, yeah...it's like a guy who ran out of Viagara on his wife on their anniversary night. and once that happens, well, my little 4 pound Ebony gets angry and kicks his ass. simple as that.

the following 5 cats are not even *technically* my babies, but hell, i love them anyway. i am kind of fostering/keeping them for a nice older lady who is terminally ill.

1) one was adopted out, Baby Angel, who was a sweet, moon-faced little female with a kick-ass meow that sounded just like a child saying "Mama".

2) the next one (whom we call Psycho Kitty because Ollie just didn't describe him well) was a large black male with huge eyes that always registered a catatonic sort of fear. i found out his whole family died around him, but the DH and i also think maybe he was a stray who the lady tried to convert to a house kitty with apparently no success. he ripped into me a couple of times, and then the DH (along with marking some clothes and coughing up hairballs exclusively under our bed). so, after careful consideration (and much consternation and regret on my part) we decided to let him outside because we were worried he might attack Demon Spawn (our 4 year old) and that was NOT an option. as far as the other animals, he never attacked them that we know of. he just seemed to be insane with fear when it came to humans. poor kitty. :(

3) the third one is the oldest. we call him "Little Old Man" because he is 12. he is a long-haired gray, rather small with what looks might be the beginning of cataracts. his balance sucks ass, so he often stumbles off the bed, but he is has the sweetest way of meowing "hello" whenever you say "hi" to him. he and Ebony are enemies and he often chases her (because she makes a point of harassing the other animals (other than the ferret) when ever she has an inkling. or maybe when she is manic. i don't know. i know she will hit heat around the same time i have PMS...strange...

4) the last 2 cats are tigers. we call one Tigger and the other Bright Eyes. both males, both fixed (like all the others), both sweet as honey. Tigger was the first to warm up and is the most laid back, calm, curious little kitty ever. if you open a door to anywhere, even a closet he flies in there to be nosy--but also so you have to retrieve him. he purrs the whole damn time like "Neener neener--i fooled you into paying me mind." little bum...we love him. Bright Eyes took longer to warm up, but now, pretty much gives me no peace. he loves to scent mark with his cheeks and will readily attack any object with those cheeks: a wall, a toy, your leg as you try to pee on the toilet. and he headbutts like Tigger does in the middle of night just so you pet him.

okay. that's about enough. i will leave it there with this first post. maybe someone will read it...maybe not. maybe even comment on it? *hint* *hint*

maybe in later entries, i will describe the rest of the companion animals (the 2 dogs and the ferret--he rocks) and get around to more about me. maybe soon. maybe not. hey, when it comes to journals, i am not all that dependable.

bipolar, pets, cats, bpd, animals

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