Mar 26, 2013 08:59
Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Since the last time I've posted, a lot has happened...
In December, my Father passed away rather unexpectedly. Needless to say, my Mother and I were quite shocked, and even now, months later, it's still really hard for her. We've since moved to the southern part of Las Vegas where I keep an eye on her and we all try to move on with our lives. I miss him dearly. I thought we had at least, AT LEAST another ten years. After years of not connecting, we finally found a level of communication, and then this happened. So many wasted years. Miss you, Dad. Miss you a lot.
Earlier this month (March), I started school again. I'm majoring in Digital Forensics. I figure with a Bachelor's Degree, new doors will open, and I can get a job that will pay me a decent amount to balance out my hate for it, right? Worst case scenario, I can move back to Japan and get a job as an English Teacher. When I was there last year for 3 months, I had a great time. Just needed a job that was more to my tastes.
I guess that's it for now. Not much else to say, really. Maybe I'll update this thing again in another year or so to see how far I've progressed since this post.