on politics

Feb 02, 2005 18:51

for my oral comm class, we have to make a survey of 20 questions and get 10 people to answer the survey. i figured i may as well put livejournal to good use and post the survey on here. will 10 people just fill this out for me, PLEASE? it should only take 5-10 minutes of your time at the most. the answers don't need to be extensive, don't worry. it's just a stupid school assignment haha. i just need your help. thank you so much!!

1. Do you like politics? Yes/no

2. If you answered yes to the above question, why?

3. How much of an interest do you have in politics?

5 - extreme interest
4 - somewhat of an interest
3 - indifferent
2 - very little interest
1 - no interest at all

4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent?

5. Why do you belong to the political party you do?

6. Do you like George Bush? Yes/no

7. Do you agree with the Iraq war? Yes/no/indifferent

8. (In relation to Question 7) Why or why not?

9. Do you agree with George Bush’s policies?

5 - strongly agree
4 - somewhat agree
3 - indifferent
2 - somewhat disagree
1 - strongly disagree

10. Did you vote in the last election? Yes/no

11. Who did you vote for - John Kerry or President Bush?

12. As far as important issues go, would you consider yourself more liberal or conservative (not necessarily dependent on political affiliation)?

13. Do you think President Bush should reform Social Security? Yes/no

14. If you answered yes to the previous question, what should he change?

15. Do you usually watch important political events (i.e. the inaugural address, State of the Union speech, presidential debates, etc)? Yes/no

16. How much trust do you have in our government?

5 - complete trust
4 - some trust
3 - indifference
2 - some distrust
1 - complete distrust

17. For you, does trust in government depend on the party of the people elected? Yes/no

18. Would you ever consider a career in politics; why or why not?

19. If you were in the position to, what would you change about our current system of government?

20. Who do you think was the most influential political figure of the 20th Century, and why?
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