Aug 03, 2005 16:14
Hmm, well, I guess today was productive. I tried my hand at gardening at the asking of Carol to weed out her flower bed. Things were going kind of okay for the most part. Take into consideration that this was around 10:30, 10 minutes after I awoke, and there were spiders, centipedes, AND slugs about. I convienently stepped on a slug, and knew I killed it based only on the fact that it squished up through my hot pink painted toenails. Delish, huh?
Needless to say, I screamed bloody murder. Well, I actually screamed "FUCK THIS SHIT!" and ran inside, but that's not that point. The point is that I was, and forever will be, finished gardening. I can pay someone to do that for me. Fuck slugs, and any other garden-dwelling creature that may cross my path.
Ah, but more enjoyable than killing slugs was my wonderful outing with my darling Katie last night. She came over around 9 or so, and we left quite soon afterwards due to the fact that her lights (on high) wouldn't turn off even though the car was not running. She didn't want her battery to die, and neither did I.
***Sidenote***Earlier that evening when I meantioned going out with Katie, Carol began the grand inquisition as to Where? When?With Whom? How? and Why? I'm sure that there were more, but I stopped listening after why. I told her that I had no idea what was going on, and that I would inform her as soon as I knew details. Promptly after her exiting the kitchen, my darling father came up and said, verbatim, "Wherever you go, just tell her that you're going to the Tea House. She can't argue with that one." How much do I love my father? A lot, in case you were wondering.
Anywhom, we left, and made our way to Friendly's for some ice cream initally. I soon realized that I was much hungrier than I thought, and Katie and I split an appetizer. I won't say the name. It makes her cringe. I got some ice cream sundae, and so did Wife. We played around with her new phone, looked at some sultry pictures of her in a lip-locking embrace with some kid, and another of an underclassmen who is utterly divine.
On the way home, she and I began discussing her soon-to-be college shenanigans with her roommate Christina. Katie has decided no matter what level their friendship reaches, she will refer to her as X-Tina. I think it's an endearing term. She did although make me cry with her sick and twisted humor. Always a fun time there.
Well, I think that's it for now. I wasn't really in the mood to update, but I didn't have anything else more interesting to do. Enjoy.
That is all.
Oh, and tomorrow is going to be amazing. I finally get to see my LOVE! after an entire 6 days of being without her. It was torture, let me tell you! I can not wait.