even though im on mini haitus.. just wanna warn you all about the effects of too much studying >.

Mar 23, 2009 13:09

i know i said i'll be on mini hiatus, but im just sneaking here,, to share something about what happened to me while studying,
i started studying at  7 pm..after dinner,. i had to do all my requirements first,.
after doing all my requirements,. i studied i english  even though its easy..XD
i felt bored so i just rested for like an hour^^
which is uhm..relaxing..^^
then i had to go back to studying...but honestly, i started studying PROPERLY..at like 10:30pm..
there were too many distractions >.<
the computer, my fanfiction notebook, my cellphone, mp4, FOOD~ ^^
kyaa~ im soo distracted,. that's why i won't use my cellphone.. plus i don't have load,. i PROMISED myself no TEXTING until after the examination >.<
im happy that i completed my clearance though.^^ i don't have to worry about that,, i'll bw worrying about my tests instead,,~
so again..studied my history book,. i drank like 5 cups of coffee,. trying to stay awake,.and it worked somehow., at 1 am. i was still up, i studied at the living room because if i study in my room.. DISTRACTIONS AGAIN~
another distraction is my bed..^^
so i studied at the living room, and so i won' be lonely, i had ryutaro and shintaro with me(my hamsters) to keep me company, ^^
it was like 2 am when i think i finally lost it.
i saw my phone, then i remembered the movie i saw,. SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE,..
(which reminds me i have to study that one too,. its part of my exam..stupid movie review)
and i liked that movie,. its so bollywood-ish..
haha.,, so i also made myself look bollywood-ish. here comes the part where my insanity just went wild, i know im crazy >.<
i mean. how often do you see a half japanese dressing up as an indian??
not that i hate indians..i like them.~ they are nice^^
i met a lot of indians and muslims when i was in dubai., and they are really friendly,. and i love their outfits., those beautiful uhmm..
i forgot what its called but they put it around their head^^
so here is the result of too much intense studying...
i took it in my grandma's room.which was empty anyways^^

is it just me or do look kowaii here???~~

being so emotional ne??

haha..im so crazy... >.< i can't believe it~~
but im okay now..eventually...and you know what's worse about me stressing?
i have zits popping out of nowhere...tsk tsk..now i look even uglier than ussual...HAHAHA

i have to study now..
^^ this will be my last post until my hiatus is over..
im sure i'll still find a way to sneak again...XD..

ja.   i'll miss you f-list~
i hope i don't miss too much of the fandom,.

gotta go...i have chemistry exam tomorrow..its torture ^^
and im planning to make my journal friends locked...lately there's been some random friend adding going on..XD
 few people have been adding me,. and i added them back.i send them messages introducing myself and  stuff..and thanking them for adding me^^ but they don't answer me at all~~ >.<
its sad,,and some just added me so they could ask about certain stuff >.<
it sucks..
so yeah..i think im gonna do that..
^^ what do you guys think??

this is a rather long post^^

thanks for those who read it..and LOL-ed at my horrible pics.XD

ja ne~~

rants, asuka chan

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