Feb 24, 2007 23:12
Greetings, all. Just wanted to let you know I have returned from my lovely trip to the Bahamas. Which was interesting, to say the least. Well, then. I'll have to elaborate more tomorrow, when I'm alive (read: not about to collapse from exhaustion), and when I mange to upload some of my four hundred photos.
Allow me to prepare you for the photos: I, unlike every other gawky tourist on the face of the planet, do not take a hundred stupid pictures of the whole family lined up neatly in front of monument X, Y , or Z. I am fond of [most of] my family, yes, but I can look at them all day long, if so it pleased me. I can not, however, examine rows of hibiscus, Carribean shores, and exotic lizards with prehensile tails on a daily basis, because I am neither a) filthy rich or b) the owner of a very elaborate zoo.
Thus, I photograph random things. I think a good fifty or more of m 400 pictures are simply close-ups of Hibiscus. Another seventy-five are Bahamian Curly-tailed Lizards. I think there may be a dozen or so pictures of pigeons. And so on. So... I hope you like flowers and lizards and stuff. Because I'll have a whole flippin' gallery of them soon.
Also drew some art, which I'll put up soon on the Forums (See User Info For Link, or wait until my next entry).
As a final note, I am peeved that my tablet has not shown up yet. I will continue to be peeved, indeed, for the next three months unless it by some miracle appears before then. Get used to it.
With that, I bid you all adieu and good night and... saiyonara, adios, hasta luego, uhh... aloha (why is it that Hawaiians use the same word for "hello" and "goodbye"?), ja ne, umm... seeya? I'm running out of languages here. Bye, then.