Photos from the fish show are here!
Bag of baby angels I bought.
One of the Corydoras entries
From the Cichlid Show:
Angels and Discus:
Second Place Angel
First Place Discus
Family Tank of Angels
Third Place Angel (this was a reeeeeaaallly big fish)
'Nother shot of that discus
The Reserve of Show Betta:
Bettas, bettas, EVERYWHERE!
At The Auction:
Some Grassy Stuff I bought
All the cars (mine is at the very, very end and you can only see its tail lights)
Awards ceremony for the convict cihlid grow-out contest.
A bag of angels I won
Bags and bags of fih to bid on
Fish supplies up for auction
Red-dot lots: things to be auctioned off first (in the bottom left, you can see a set of my fish prints... they only sold for $9 :(
New giant, huge, death plant with some new angels in... an old tank.
New baby angels with some of my giant piles of new java ferns.
I decided this funky killifish from the show was the neatest-looking thing... too bad I don't keep killies (but they only live for a year, so it's sad when they die all the time and all... angels live much longer).
We all do this sometime: spell "angelfish" as "anglefish" - well, they are sort of angular, too!
Well, I suppose that's it for pictures.
All my new fish are doing well, except for that bag of baby albino plecos - I've lost half of them already. A friend of mine who breeds them says they tend to be fragile when they're that small, though, and albinos even more so than the regular brown ones. The large brown plecos I bought are doing fine... though they have this odd preoccupation with sitting jst over the sponge filter and getting blasted i nthe face with bubbles... I even caught the male swmming down the filter tube the other day ^^"
I think the two dd black angels are both females... I knew one of them was when I bought her, but if the other is, too, that gives me the potential to get two new pairs, as soon as I get them tanks and pick out husbands :) Yay, baby fish! I hope they'll be able to parent-raise, though.
The koi angels are sort of boring, to be honest (those're the ones that I practically stole, they were so cheap) and I'm not sure what they are sex-wise yet, but they're swimming around and eating well and all. The little baby golds and marbles are happy and healthy, too.
Baby corydoras cats are much enjoying the company of my one, large, old cory that I've had for a year and a half now. They all swim around together (cory cats shoal) and look like a big daddy cory with lots of little babies... maybe when they all grow up, they'll make little baby cory families of their own. :)
Plants are all.... green. planty. photosynthesizing. I don't know. I'm going to pot the new aponogeton this weekend when I have time; right now it's just floating on the top of the water. Not sure where I'll get enoguh driftwood and/or rocks to root all these java ferns, though. Or hw one even goes bout growing this mysterious "najas" grass plant. I'll have to look that up.
Must run now. Stuff to do, college to attend, etc. I'm still running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Stress, I tell you. Stress...