Prologue: Walking Home

Jul 28, 2010 02:04

The end of a long summer day, we were walking home from school like we did everyday, me and him.
As we were pacing slowly, enjoying the warmth , I stole a glance at his tall dark figure, he had both his hands in his pockets, with a loose headphone on his right ear while the other rested on his shoulder. He had a content smile on his beautiful face as he sang along softly to the song he was listening to, "Summer Dream".
He loved the summer so much, I would know that best as I had spent countless summers with him.
Now, you'd think that we must be some lovey-dovey couple, but we're not. Changmin has been my best friend and neighbor for almost all my life.
We could never be anything more.
I lowered my head and sighed at the thought. My one-sided love for him was pathetic . .
"What's wrong ?" Changmin said suddenly, clicking the pause button on his iPod and giving me an anxious look. "That sigh didn't sound good"
"N .. Nothing ! I'm fine .. it's just that I remembered something .. something I wanted but couldn't have." It was no use lying to him, he'd know anyway.
"Oh," He smiled a little now "Care to tell me what it is ?"
Taking you in my arms and kissing you full on your perfect lips, that's what it is. I thought in my head.
Instead I responded by sticking my tongue to him "Not telling."
"C'mon, you can't hide anything from me, you'll come around soon enough" He poked my nose playfully and then went back to singing that sweet melody. He never sang in front of anyone except me, even though had a beautiful voice. I felt selfish and lucky at the same time, I had his voice all to myself .. But the rest of the world can't recognize his talent.
"We'll see about that" I said in a small voice.

Maybe one day,in one of those summers to come we'll be walking home holding hands .. maybe he'll kiss me goodbye as he drops me off.. maybe he'll tell me those three words I've been dying to hear ..

Just maybe.
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