Oct 02, 2004 05:51
man right now it is hard to sleep for me right now and i am tired and trying to go to bed....But the only thing. I can think about is my poor gf-jen if you can call her that still.... well i miss her alot and it is hard for me to sleep right now cause of her.I miss her Alot.This little brake we are having in are relationship is bothering me....my poor heart feels like it was to shatter in pieces cause i am feeling so so depressed.....Love is great but it screws you to most of the Time! ...... maybe i can try a new method of sleeping is letting this bother me even more and making myself even more depressed to force myself a sleep or something i guess.....i feel so lifeless right now like part of me is gone and i am not myself anymore. my poor little heart is broken NOW .....Tear.Tear.Death to me i guess.......like always go wrong for me...It feels like and stuff....I reallly hope my future get's better for me and stuff....cause i can't stand this life i am living and it sucks.....oh well.i can always do what i always do is be a lie and act like i am happy when i really am not...cause when you have a gf you are whole cause then you have someone to share your life with and be happy with them and yourself....lucky....or once's was i guess.....!_? depressed... ;_;