I turn 24 next week.
I am old.
Where did the past year go?
Mentioned this to SB and we realized that my little French 101 crush on him was SIX YEARS AGO. SIX YEARS. Holy crap. Where did college go? Where did the time since college go? I feel no more sure of what I want to do with my life on a professional level than I did sitting in French class freshman year, gossiping with the girl who lived downstairs from me in the dorms about the cute boy with the long hair several desks over.
That said, career decisions aside, all I really want to do these days is settle down in New York with a certain someone and buy a dog. (Seriously.)
I keep telling myself I can't put London on hold again, but a glance at the staggering debt I'd be in after a year abroad and the potential of ruining everything stable in my life right this second makes me a little hesitant. Though I have a feeling once that Major Life Goal is behind me and I've had a brief respite from mindless desk jobs, I'll be more sure about staying put in a city for more than a year or two and finding a company I'd like to stay with for an extended period of time... and at that point, the dog and the little New York apartment would actually be a feasible option.
In short, I'm in total life crisis mode at the moment. Jimmy is moving away for law school and I'm moving in to my own place -- no roommates -- in exactly one month. Having mini breakdowns about "what I am doing" oh, once a day or so. I shoulda joined the Peace Corps after college and gotten the traveling and 'doing it on my own' out of my system by now. Bah.
Anyway. Here are some recent photos. Do I really look that much different than I did six years ago?
My teeth are less perfect and I am less tan and maybe more fat and less inclined to show exorbitant amounts of skin whenever the opportunity presents itself. I don't feel that much different otherwise.
For reference,
here and
here I am in high school and
here and
here is early college.
here and
here and
here and
here I'm midway through college.
here and
here and
here is late college.
here and
here and
here is Los Angeles.
And now, having looked through those, I feel like I've looked a million different ways and somehow, in small ways, I feel the same way I did in the earliest of those photos.
**edit** That actually made me feel better. I have changed, and god willing have learned a thing or two and won't make many of the mistakes I was about to make in some of those photos.
Here's to next year.