Apr 16, 2006 04:20
I crave del taco
I like to race people that don't know they're racing.so that I win
I get mad easily]usually at stuff like people posting bulletins saying "comment on my new pics"
omg I hate that; if I feel the need to comment, I will
and people bragging about their ugly babies
omg I'm so going to hell for saying that
but you know you hate that too
feeling dizzy
missing words or letters on the keyboard
feeling tired but awake
feeling numb yet somehow still hungry
my feet hurt from work nd I am pissed that I took some guy's da,n shift; he said i was first cut;
I was not cut til MIDNIGHT damnit!1!!!!! I was thinking fucking 9 o damn clock!!!! I had plans!!!
ans they did not include getting drunk!!1!1
but I had to since what else do you do after getting off work so late??
you drink
especially after seeing everone else drink at work
it's also amazing how much I DON'T CARE that you didn't like your food or that you gfeel you have been sitting there
for a while when really you have been sitting there a grand total of 3 minutes.
I know cuz I was JUST THERE to clean off your stupid table
you can probably die for all I care whule satting there and I wouldn't care
wow I really am a bitch
but I am adrunk girl and that's all that matters, yes
lh yeah and it' REALLY HARD TO TYPE!!!!!!!!
AND ALSO TYPING LIKE THIS IS FUN: omg lolz!!!1111 ur hawt omg i'm lyke goin in2 8th grade and I can't wate omg lolzz!!11 omgwtfbbq
Ok, I think I'm done.