Title: Weekend Plans
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: Antonio Fernández Carriedo, Sadik Adnan; Sadik/Antonio
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: more of that Cop!Spain/Thief!Turkey AU I have with
They didn't spend a lot of their nights sleeping, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they were busy and other times they were... busy. Tonight, it was more of the former, with a little of the latter having happened earlier.
Antonio was resting his head on Sadik's chest, listening to his breathing, his heartbeat. Sadik had an arm around Antonio, pulling him closer, his other cushioning his head on his pillow. Antonio let out a happy sigh, content with everything that let this happen. Sadik hummed, deep in thought, and Antonio laughed at the feeling of it. He was rewarded with a poke to the side, and was about to admonish Sadik with how rude that was when he was asked a question.
"Oi, you doin' anything this weekend?"
Antonio raised his head slightly to look at Sadik. Sadik's eyes weren't looking at him, but straight up at the ceiling, still deep in thought.
"No, I got it off. Why? You wanna do something this weekend?"
"I was just wondering..." Sadik started. He paused, his hand coming to scratch at his face, trying to find the right words. Antonio nodded at him, urging him to continue. A slight pink tinge came across Sadik's face as he slightly propped himself up to look at Antonio.
"Wanna get married tomorrow then?"
There was no hesitation in Antonio's voice and Sadik let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. He smiled at his fiancee.
"Great. Figure we can just elope, sound good?"