a horse is a horse of course of course

Sep 13, 2006 18:58

wow. so this is fucking college. i think i'm in love. my dormroom is fucking HUGE. it looks like the cheesy dorms you see in pictures and you think to yourself that no dorm ever looks like that in real life; well mine does. albany is amazing beyond words. i would love to say the people are all amazing beyond words, but that would be far from the truth. i would say a good 65-75% of the student body is made up of longuylanders (not to exclude myself from that fraction but i was hoping for some fresh diversity). in my floor meeting last night, we had to do lame introduction games, etc. we had to say something about ourselves that no one here knew and about 5 of the meat-headiest guys said that what we didn't know was that they like, love, live for every sport ever.

its funny bc now i'm writing from the perspective of a few days later bc the top part saved to autodraft or whatever. i still feel the same wat about most of the people. right now from my room i can see and hear the first football game. i think a good percentage of the campus is down there. eh, i would have checked it out but it was raining a lot before. i still love this place beyond words, i'm just feeling a little homesick right now. i miss my friends and the beach and everything high school was about.

this is the first official weekend i guess you could say, and even though classes started this past tuesday, everyone has been going to the bars and "getting sloshed" since last friday when we all got here. i haven't gone to the bars yet and i've only 'partied' 3 times so far. last night felt so weird. it felt really weird to be on a packed bus heading downtown with the epitome of everything college is depicted as in movies; tons of people dressed up to go to bars and clubs and to drink to oblivion. i was with my friends amanda and lynne marie and it is safe to say we were not headed to any bar. we were going to amanda's friend's apartment near Sage College. i guess it was my first college party and it just felt awkward i guess.

now i report to you from even another few days later. i should be in my chemistry class right now, but one thing led to another and i'm somehow still in my room. its gray and rainy and no one is having a good day so far. apparently, here, the weekends start on thursday, or maybe that is just general college etiquite and no one told me. its one of my suitemate's birthdays on thursday and i promised them i would go to "sneeky pete's" - coincidentally enough, thursday nights are wet t-shirt nights. hmmm.

i feel very ready to be going home for rosh hashanah. sometimes i feel overwhelmed here, but other times i feel happier than words. since i'm not in chemistry, i might as well take this opurtunity to finish the reading for my next class.

i promise i'll update more.
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