I haven't posted anything substantial in a while and probably will continue with that trend. I finished my thesis,
Lovers' Discourse: A Visual and Feminist Re-Interpretation of Roland Barthes' A Lover's Discourse. I graduated college. I started working for a photographer part-time last week and a project I helped with should be in a medium-sized magazine next week or the week after. I can show you/tell you once it's out, if you continue to be interested. I also got a job with a photo retail place making photo albums, but I still have an interview with another photographer hopefully for another part-time job. Photographers are amazingly nice and it's very encouraging how many interested responses or supernice rejections I've gotten. I'm moving to Brooklyn sometime next month (TBD). I might start an art/photo blog after Seth's
example or contribute to that one. We'll see.
Send me a comment, message, e-mail, something--I'd like to hear from you.