Everything suddenly feels very cyclical as a senior. When I went to convocation this year, I could only really think about when I was a freshman and we sat in the balcony and made jokes. (Why are convocation lectures so mediocre?)
Everyone that I see and don't know looks like a doppelganger for someone else, the younger version that's stepping in our place. I feel like I am constantly doing double takes to assure myself that these people really are strangers and I'm still in the present. I haven't found my own double, unsurprisingly, as they are never flattering to one's vanity. I'm realizing now how much I really have changed, that I'm generally a much happier person now even though I used to identify my freshman year as the happiest because it was all so new and exciting (and I was drunk all the time, it seems). I feel like I've gotten things together and (in a terrifying way) have a very distinct direction.
And, in other news, ironically, this mystery is solved and looks a little like fate in a lot of weird, small ways:
(Gabriel Orozco, first spotted in America Photo, age 14)
Furthermore, a livejournal post that I wanted to write this summer is instead going to be my final research paper for my art history seminar. I'm totally going to score some student work copy DVDs!