"Return to Oz" In Roga's
What The Ducklings Did On Their Summer Vacation, a House crossover, Beckett hires the newly fired Chase, Foreman and Cameron. The author does an amazing job keeping everyone in character and creating what feel like an authentic SGA episode with adventure and humor, and an authentic House episode complete with medical mystery and going through someone's stuff (Sheppard as the patient of course!). The characters evolve and yet still feel familiar. It also raises that immortal question, who is a worse and more offensive boss, House or McKay?
Cusp by Sealie, Sheppard (and Beckett) get terrible headaches that turn out to be a signal that all is not well with Atlantis. Very cool VE and tons of whump for all involved.
John is hilariously injured (preview: he sings pirate songs in his delirium) and McKay has a meltdown (and plans Zelenka's death) when Carter first visits Atlantis in
de profundis: from the depths.
It's not Sheppard technically but Radek and Rodney have the world's worst
Detox when they have to come down off a week of stimulants after the siege ends. This fic is funny and strange; John's solution to their insanity? Locking them in a room together until it's over. This story must be read for what they do with popsicle sticks alone.
Great gen action and whump in
Eurydice Turns Left. The team visits a planet of stone mazes and is attacked. Everyone but Ronon is captured and buried alive in a cave. Can they dig themselves out and survive with no provisions or water and Ronon bring back a team to find them before they lose John, who grows more and more ill the longer he spends on the planet? Teyla caring for John is particularly affecting.
Rodney attempts to prevent a hallucinating and delirious John from leaping to his death by every cajolment he can think of in the funny and affecting
Stick Around by Mahoney.
The brilliant
ShepsReyna is doing some phenomenal world building and exploration of just why Sheppard's gene is so much powerful than anyone else's, even O'Neill in her Evander's Heir novels,
Evander's Heir and
Evander's Heir II: Dark Mind. I love how she captures Sheppard's intelligence, loyalty, strong moral core and modesty. He feels incredibly real and flawed but incredibly heroic as well. Her original characters are just as well writeen and defined, as is her Lorne, O'Neill, Marines and Teyla. Her treatment of the intense and unflinching loyalty and friendship between John and Teyla is one of my favorite of them as best friends. She really shows the comfort and acceptance they find in each other, especially Sheppard, who has never had anyone else who would believe in him no matter what. Gorgeous. Big juicy parts for Lorne, the Marines, O'Neill, Caldwell and others. Jack and John fly all kinds of awesome Ancient machines. John gets hurt quite a few times.
In "
The Jenny Code" and it's three accompanying pieces, "
In Abeyance," "
Academic" and "
Poppies in November" Sheppard and a group of Marines are captured and tortured and Sheppard experiences his worst nightmare, losing his men. Incredible action and beautifully done.
Dezrai's I
n Atlantis is like a fan's wishlist in a fic (or at least mine), it has gorgeous (and burning hot) love stories between John and Teyla, also Jack and Sam, John is smart and recognized for it, John and Jack play with Atlantis and ancient tech (which loves John best of course), Todd and John in action, SG-1, John bonding with Torren, fab action, humor, angst etc. PLEASE READ. You will love it and she is promising that it is just one in a series! Woo hoo. John gets hurt MANY times.
Zorro's Legacy by the brilliant
ShepsReyna (check out her Evander's Heir novels under John and ancient tech) is a great whumper, team on earth and look at John the pilot as well as an introduction to one of John's old flight instructors. You will love it.
"The Second Terrace of Purgatory" is told by Lorne (she also have a drabble set right before from Sheppard's POV that's quite funny) and Sheppard doesn't appear until far in but the ruthless John of The Storm is perfectly captured. John gets hurt.
John does anything and everything to save his people in the i
ncredible Ryan C. Charles series. John gets shot, poisoned, beaten, tortured, put to death and then revived (TWICE!).
John asks Lorne to do something difficult in
Die Verwandlung during "Conversion."
The author and I had a very interesting discussion about
Unshackled (apparently not related at all to the Korean horror movie of the same name she says) on how something can be incredibly adult in its themes as this story is, without being violent, having sex, etc. This story is incredibly powerful and disturbing and you don't understand how or what happened until the very, very end. Not for children or the faint of heart. Although nothing explicit is shown of what happened, the story and the damage to John haunts me still.
Mules in horses harnesses is a the Gouald invade Earth and win apocafic from Cam's POV. Sheppard snapped a long time ago; it just takes everyone a long time to notice how wrong he is.
Sheppard's amazing ability to inspire friendship and intense loyalty even in enemies is demonstrated by Todd in
My Brother's Keeper, which moved me to tears. Somehow the author evokes the otherness of a Wraith POV yet gives him human values.
Down the Waterfall is a wonderful John and Teyla gen post-"Phantoms" tag that intensifies and provides closure to the memories and pain John has shared with Teyla over his failure to save Holland.
Unmanifest Destiny is hard to recommend without spoiling but it is a story that EVERY SGA fan must read. It is that good and powerful on the subject of our team and Sheppard as both the glue that holds them together so tightly and the sun around which they all orbit. All I can say is that it a post-"Search and Rescue" AU of the team and Teyla's new baby taking a road trip on Earth. John's POV is so startlingly real that I felt little chills of recognition. You may have to read it twice so that you can truly understand it and marvel at how well it holds together once you do. I'd love to discuss it with someone once you do read it.
Sixty-Eight Whiskey,
I dare you to read without crying the heart-wrenching
Legion the Things I Would Give to Oblivion in which the Daedalus arrives to break the siege but things still go terribly, terribly wrong. John's connection with Atlantis is strongly explored as he nearly kills himself running the chair; warning for many, many major character deaths. Sheppard only survives the battle in body. O'Neill tries to pick up the pieces but there's nothing left to do.
azurehorizon breaks me again (!) in
Meridian. I don't mind because she makes it hurt so good to be ungrammatical about it. The imagery and emotions are so beautiful and the longing for what could have been is tangible. John's dying slowly and painfully and he muses on his emotions as his team begs him to ascend. While the sentimental part of me wishes John was the kind of guy who'd ascend, because I do believe he could, so that he could come back again, the rest of me recognizes that John's too honest and too much a warrior for ascension. It is the coward's way out. The author never fails to make me think, not just enjoy the story and ship, this time about death. I'm with John on this one; in the end we all die alone.
John gets hurt in
The New Frontier. Click link for longer rec.
The Year of The Jubilee is strange and wonderful and heartbreaking. In this AU, Elizabeth doesn't let Sheppard keep Ronon. He makes a home for himself in an abandoned mansion all alone on Sateda and earns money and food building weaponry and munitions to arm anti-Wraith factions all over Pegasus. He's almost forgotten the Lanteans when he passes by a town having a slave auction and spots a familiar uniform. He buys the Lantean, whom he recognizes as Sheppard once he gets the badly beaten and tortured man cleaned up. He takes Sheppard back to Atlantis and figures that the end of it but in fact its only the beginning. Sheppard had a slave mind control device implanted at the slave auction and he has imprinted on Ronon as his master and won't, can't be separated from Ronon. This is an incredibly Sheppard-whumparrific fic. It's both physical as the device removes his ability to care for himself and causes him to almost beat himself to death to keep from being separated from Ronon, and mental as Sheppard fights against the mind control with every fibre of his being, hating how it makes him act and how weak it makes him. The story is GEN only; the author thankfully resists the impulse to go slash and the story is incredibly more subtle and powerful because of it. Ronon cares for Sheppard as the device makes him progressively weaker and helpless. The friendship and bond that is created between these two incredibly private and damaged men is incredible as is the Ronon POV. Rodney and Teyla in particular have wonderfully strong and moving characterizations. Please check this story out. I have made it sound dark but it is also incredibly hopeful.
One of my favorite authors is wedjatqi: Everything she writes is great. However my must particularly recommend my favorite SGA fic of all time,
Making a House a Home This is one of my favorite stories by one of my favorite authors. Pretty much everything Wedjatqi writes is incredible and should be checked out but the writing in this story is particularly transcendent. I am moved and blown away by the author every time I read this. If you are having a terrible day, week, year, I highly recommend this story to help restore you to equilibrium. Yes, I swear it has healing properties! This is an AU Earth-set story in which the SGC is still losing the war with the Ori and the team had to destroy Atlantis with the Daedalus after saving Woolsey and General O'Neill. New Athos was completely destroyed from orbit by the Wraith while Teyla and Ronan joined the team in trying to save Atlantis from the Replicators in The Return, Part II. Ronan decides to stay in Pegasus and fight the Wraith. Teyla, who has become literally the last Athosian just as she discovers she is pregnant with Kanaan's son, chooses to come to Earth and raise her child in a world that will never know the Wraith. The others must return to the lives they were forced into when the Ancients returned and kicked them out of Atlantis, John as a team leader at the SGC, Carson in the infirmary, Rodney in Area 51. When the story opens, the distance, awkwardness, hurt and pain that entered into John and Teyla's relationship in the second half of Season 4 still exists because John reacted as badly to the news of Teyla's pregnancy in this AU as he did on the show. Despite everything still unspoken between them, John has invited Teyla and the infant Torren (who is Tagan in this story) to share a house with him so that Teyla will be allowed to live outside the Mountain. Although ostensibly they have settled into their new lives, both John and Teyla are in pain; as a result, Teyla has chronic insomnia and John becomes concerned and tries to help her sleep. The author warns at the beginning that the story is "a bit depressing and sullen." I think it is better described as a meditative and hopeful story. Wedjatqi takes John and Teyla (and the reader with them) through the sad but ultimately redemptive mourning process of accepting what they've lost, including their former closeness, Atlantis, the only place John ever felt at home, Teyla's people and the Pegasus galaxy, and healing as they come to realize what and who they still have left.The language is beautiful and incredibly evocative. Although I've made it sound terribly sad and emotional, there is much humor, particularly at a wedding of couple from SG-1, where many popular characters from both shows appear. John gets hurt in a battle with the Ori.
Other favorites by wedjatqi are
Running to the End in which John and Ronon think they are about to die and John has some realizations about all the things he has never said and the feelings he has suppressed for so long, the
Light series (so good!), the
Life, Defeat, Departure, What is lost and what is found, The Return. Everything she writes is incredible and exactly as I see John and Teyla. She really gets to Sheppard's reserved and damaged core. John gets hurt in all of them.
Lorne takes care of a recovering post-Conversion Sheppard without seeming to in
"The Care and Feeding of a CO" .
Wraith sharks (!!!!! I could stop writing there and you'd have to read this!), Teyla singlehandedly keeping the very injured John (thanks to Rodney's constant misuse of an Ancient device that doesn't seem to do much but knock John unconscious), underwater Ancient science stations, a technologically advanced race and some good old fashioned action-packed fun make
Planet Megalodon Wraith Defense Force a must-read.
Without Sight Or Sound John and Teyla are stripped of their senses and use their connection to each other and their bond to save themselves. Wonderful and subtle.
Much UST in
Jungle Heat as well and who can blame Teyla based on the description of Sheppard swimming in his tags and not much else.
Too Dear For My Possessing put John at odds with an old and renewed suitor of Teyla who does not fail to act where John has hesitated. This prince and Teyla quickly grow serious as a jealous John and the team discover his motives are not so pure. Will John be able to tell Teyla this and more? And if he does, will she ever forgive him? This is angsty and features some fabulous lines and characterizations.
"Wee Hours" the Athosian children become terribly ill with an Earth illness in the late hours while still living in the city and John, Teyla and the medical staff struggle to take care of everyone.
Teyla insists on being taken prisoner too when a very ill John is held hostage in
The Fine Art of DiplomacyNika Dixon wrote the incredibly fun,
Woolsey's Team Building Fiasco: If you have ever been made to suffer through a corporate team building event, or even not, this fic will crack you up. Also features Lorne/Cadman, Keller/Ronon and some of the craziest and most-injury causing bonding exercises ever. Also see my rec at
Woolsey's Team-building Fiasco by Nika Dixon Teyla jumps in
Deep Water to save herself from a Wraith and manages to save an injured John in the process.
Teyla is forced to confront her feelings toward John after he returns to Atlantis when they believed him dead in
Helpless. Gorgeously angsty and well-written with a lovely Teyla and Weir discussion.
Three Days in Limbo is very adult-themed and has rape and other sensitive subjects but the author must be commended for tackling such a difficult subject. The team is taken prisoner by a sect of insane and incestuous Wraith worshippers and Teyla is forced to make the most painful sacrifices to save the others. (five parts).
The Protect and Survive series by RowenaR stars Lorne, Cadman and some of the best OC Marines I've ever read. A Lorne/Cadman series with tons of action, humor, angst and charm. Lorne and Cadman both get whumped. A lot.
Sheppard's injuries from "The Seed" are quite painful in
Grow Up To Your Ruin, a nice little H/C.