I could bore you with the whys and wheres of my several month-long disappearance but I'll leave it at this: I've been crazy busy, even more so then usual. This is my final year of law school, so in addition to full-time going to school, working my twenty-hour week paid job, my volunteer job as a research assistant on a law journal, running my amazon marketplace business, my position as a campus rep for an online law book seller, I'm also working on applying to the bar including my morals committee application, prepping for the bar exam, filling out all the paperwork, studying for and taking my professional responsibility certification exam, getting everything together I need for my dream job application, etc. I did/have disappear(ed) for the most part. However, I'm determined to change that. It occurred to me that online is my outlet from RL and I shouldn't have to give it up. So I'm not. Better get used to me because I'll be around a lot more. I won't be quite so SGA-focused since I'm burned out on most of the fandom except for anything John/Teyla or Lorne/Cadman. I'll probably be annoying you with my opinions on other subjects, though my shallowness ensures all will be consumer and pop-culture focused.
- I might as well weigh in just like everyone else on SGU. I find it rather blah. It's cheap looking in that curiously flat and poorly lit way that so many shows shot in Vancouver are, derivative and least forgivable, boring. I'm offended by Lt. Scott's criminal, unprofessional and tortive behavior of having sex with an enlisted subordinate! While on the job! On a forward operating base! In a war zone! And ignoring the radio call of his superior officer while he does so! However, I'll probably keep watching for now because Scott is cute and I loved how he comforted Chloe. Dislike every character but those two, particularly Eli, whom I find to be an offensive and pandering stereotype of the worst sort.
- All my hot weather clothes, which I am so tired of after seven straight months.
- The Free Roman Polanski furor: So drugging and raping a child, pleading guilty and then fleeing the jurisdiction is okay if you wait long enough?! No, not how I understand statute of limitations to work. Of course maybe I'm biased because I find rape to be the most repugnant crime. By the way to those who keep saying statutory rape isn't rape: Children cannot legally consent even if they say yes because they ARE CHILDREN. And in this case, even if she had been an adult this would have been rape since she (1) repeatedly said NO; and/or (2) he drugged her, rendering anyone, regardless of age, legally incapable of consent.
- This guy.
- That no good books have come out in weeks. (pouts in boredom)
- That there are no more stories in the Twinverse. WHY!?! ME WANT MORE!!!!
- Hungry, the orange monster in the Weight Watchers commercials. I'm currently driving my friends crazy by shrieking his name whenever I see him the same way I infamously announce the presence of puppies, kittens, and other baby animals.
- The Transporter Audi ad. No words for how happy it makes me every time.
- The ads for Where The Wild Things Are.
- Glee(!!!!!!), Mercy, Vampire Diaries, Modern Family, CougarTown, Greek, Blair's clothes on Gossip Girl
- Rachel Bilson's column in InStyle magazine. RBils is my style goddess though we're going to have to choose to disagree on fringe (shudder).
- The way the bitchy head seamstress in Valentino's couture salon screams at the other middle-aged ladies in The Last Emperor. She's fabulously mean.
- Lanvin Eclat D'Arpege.
- Making my own french press coffee with my Frieling.
- Cappie and Casey might be finally getting together on Greek. At last!
- Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory (But only Sheldon. Penny and Leonard are a shitty couple).
- My new AT&T U-Verse cable and internet. Fast, cheap and tapes four shows at once. Plus I can stop a show in one room and start it up again in another.
- Bibimbap and japchae. Yum.
- Finally cold weather and rain arrive this week in Sacramento! 90 plus to triple digit temperatures begone! I want to wear my boots, scarves, sweaters, a long sleeved shirt!
- Sarah Addison Allen's books get better with every rereading. Ditto with Ilona Andrews and Patricia Briggs. Write faster!
- Food blogs - I've fallen back in love with Orangette, The Wednesday Chef and too many others that make me want to cook food I can't afford calorie or dollarwise.
- Any McCoy/Chapel fanfic I can find (despite never having seen an episode of the show). My favorites: The Feeling of Being in Motion Again/Going to Georgia series, Jim Kirk's Limp Dick and Other Obstacles on the Path to Love (Chapel's POV) and Jim Kirk is an Insufferable Idiot and Other Lessons Along The Way (McCoy's POV of the same events).
- My insanely hard and interesting trial advocacy class
- Anything new written by artaxastra or wedjatqi, often all that gets me through the week.
- Stephen Jr.
- My newest Jimmy Choo bag (the beautiful Odette which makes even straight men coo with pleasure as they stroke the luscious Italian leather).
- Water. I've been doing awesome drinking my required amount each day. So proud of myself.
- I must have the miniature golf book NOW. This is genius. The book is the course. Why didn't I think of this?
- The chateau lamp at Anthropologie
- AND that I finally gave back poor Evaflack001 one of the chapters I owe her, the long awaited chapter 22 of Coming Back Home. GET FIRED UP! (oops sorry, that was the sorority girl in me slipping free)