Hey everyone.
Just an update for the GSD: The Edge manga.
We've a small team of four assembled to scanlate it, I've ordered the books - and it should arrive, hopefully, by next week. :)
Please note that recruitment for volunteers - translators, especially - is still open. If we've more help, things will get churned out more quickly. To note your interest, please send an email(remove spaces) to: gsd_edge_scanlations @ googlegroups . com
Where A/C doujins are concerned:
The team has a general consensus on this, pretty much - if there's time. Hence. Here's what I'm going to say for those dying to have A/C doujins scanlated, and for those who volunteered to scan last time: Scan them and send it as you please. If you'd like to link it to me instead so that I can personally obtain it - please make sure the website's in english, or leave some instructions on how to get it. Whether I'll obtain it or not though, will remain to be seen. It depends.
If it...well, I don't know about the rest, but if I see a doujin that piques my interest enough, I'll probably jump right into cleaning it while nagging someone to translate. :P
So there you go. Scan and send to the group email as you will, and while the team places no guarantee on getting doujins scanlated quick or even while the project for the manga is underway, it's likely to be a slow, eventual thing.
Thanks for reading. :)
Crossposted to