1 ✿ video post | JAPANESE

Aug 18, 2009 17:41

The video shows a girl in a white dress crouching in a disused building somewhere. She’s holding onto a small potted plant and staring into the communicator. Though she’s shaking a little and her eyes appear to be a little wet she’s clearly doing her best to be brave. ]

Oniichan…you aren’t here are you? Are you late?

Kuu can’t feel Oniichan at all, so he must still be coming….

[ She presses her lips together more forcefully as to keep from trembling. ]

Kuu will wait…here.

Where is…where is here, can someone tell Kuu? It is cold here, Kuu hasn’t seen so much snow before but…

[ She holds up the plant meekly, peeking around it at the communicator. ]

This child cannot stand so much cold, it needs somewhere warmer. Is there a better place? Please tell Kuu.

[ She takes the plant back close to her, turning her head and exhaling. She stares at the white gust that her breath forms, transfixed momentarily. After a moment the video times out, either she forgot about it or she doesn’t know how to properly use the function yet. ]
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