Feb 09, 2008 02:45
Hey look -- still alive.
I'm posting here because (a) I haven't posted in quite some time and (b) I've been reading a lot of fanfic recently, and I might try my hand at it again. I don't think I'd do any SGA since I'm VERY behind in watching the show (like more than an entire season behind), but I was thinking about maybe a bit of Torchwood fic, possibly a spot of Highlander. And if some very slight Who fic comes out of it, so be it.
I don't think Who fic would be very good, though. The Doctor just doesn't come across in text...not for me, at least. I mean, half the fun is watching David Tennant!
Ahem. Right. Back on track. Anyway, I was thinking of a few good fics (snicker) -- I'm sure that the Doctor meeting Methos has been done, but I might do it again anyway. I'm also very tired of Torchwood never going for the "something went wrong with one of the alien devices and it's screwed with one of the team" plot, which is my favoritest plot EVAR. Honestly, I love that stuff...which would kind of explain my attraction to SGA, since that's pretty much what happens. Every week. At least the last time I checked.
Anyway, yes, I would like to see horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad, angsty things happen to the Torchwood team. Honestly, it's like nothing truly life-altering can happen to them. They see death and sex and mind control and girlfriends/boyfriends gone bad and all, but has one of them ever grown scales? I think I would've remembered. What about all the other basics, like body swapping, or getting really old, or any of that good stuff? I know, I know, it's STUPID stuff, but there's just so little physically-based angst...no wonder the show bores me from time to time.
Right, enough ranting. I may or may not end up actually writing anything. Hee. I could screw with Owen...he's such a jerk he'd actually probably be FUN to mess up. Heeeeeee. Gwen's just too easy a target, and Tosh is one of the few characters who actually HAS gotten a spot of angst. Ianto's fun, but all the fics out there mess with Ianto. Jack...well, Jack's not really mess-with-able, given his "problem."
Heh. I can see that this will require a great deal more thought. Anyone else have any ideas?