[ mood |
pee'n my pants from laughing so hard :)]
Tuesday July 18th
>> work 9:30-3. extremely LONG meeting afterwards. LADIES N' GENTS DAY!! dress up in your duds. :) DANCE! you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. plaster hands and blastn' "Peace and Love" from Brett's car.
>> Read
>> Ran
>> DQ Run
>> Rescue Me <3
Wednesday July 19th
>> work 9:30-3. U of M-Dearborn. rock climbing. mohawk ropes corse. Paperclips.
>> tutored maya and gassan at 4.
>> Read
>> Ran w/ Ash up at Levagood
Thursday July 20th
>> kim & michelle picked me up. work 9:30-3. super duper long meeting afterwards. field trip - holocaust memorial center. it was pretty interesting and i got to meet and listen to a holocaust survivor which was really neat since in 10, 15, or 20 years from now, there will be no holocaust survivors left. they will have all died. Tarrah Time in the moldy meat gym.
>> Cory picked me up at 4:50, with kim in hte front seat and michelle in the back seat. we took outer drive from my house to ford road and got on it. at ford and gulfview kim realized that she forgot to give the girls on her softball team the equipment. without the equipment, they couldn't play. the girls could get into kim's car if she called them but the equipment was in her trunk so we had to go back. so we drove back to cory's house [where kim's car was] and kim got the equipment out. ["you've had that car for 2 years and you don't know what way the key goes in your trunk yet?"] so then we drive over to dearborn high and drop off the stuff with her team. then, since michigan ave. was closer, we took that towards detroit instead of ford rd. well..cory printed up directions off the internet to get to Armando's by ford rd. so after a lot of construction and red lights, we reach detroit and we're looking for Vines-something. kim thought for sure it would be a big street with traffic lights at its intersection. [meanwhile michelle is passed out asleep in the back seat next to me with her head tilted back and her mouth open..it was funny!] it didn't help that most of the roads were not marked with street signs. we were all confused and worried we'd missed teh street because we were started to enter the "heart of detroit". finally we find the road and it's not a big street and there aren't traffic lights at the intersection. so we take the Vine-something road to Vernor ["This is a highway?"], past the park to Armando's. we were supposed to be at Armando's by 5:15 and it was now 5:30. we went in and tarrah, sarah, tarrick, andy, shaheen, and kate were there. we snacked on chips and salsa until jackie, sam, jillian, brittnay, ron, his wife, and derek arrived at about 6 [due to sam's long dentist appointment]. we ordered our food. i got the tamales dinner. it was REALLY GOOD! and cory threw a red paperclip at jackie and it got stuck in her hair. ["i'm strategic."; "things tend to go wrong when i throw things, they piece someone ear or nose." lmao!] after eating, we sat around and talked for about a half an hour. then we paid and left. instead of going home the way we came we decided to drive in the opposite way we came down vernor thinking that it would intersect michigan ave. [cory: "how do you know you're heading west down West Vernor?" kim: "because you're on West Vernor" cory: "well what about the people going in the opposite direction?" lmao!] anyways, apparently vernor turns into dix and kim told us we could take dix all the way back home. well...we end up under this tunnel thing and driving over this bridge that is spraying water all over/washing the road of the bridge. michelle tells us she REALLY has to pee. REALLY bad! "don't look at the water michelle!" she kept telling cory that she was going to pee her pants in his car. he told her he wished he had a cup so he could give it to her and she could crawl through the backseat to the trunk and pee. she had to pee so bad that she had to unbutton her pants because it was putting pressure of her bladder. so we reach these old warehouses [michelle told cory to pull over so she could pee behind it because she had to go so badly and i reminded her about rats and cory added crack addicts. we were in arabtown. chubby cheese.] and rouge plant factories and a random strip club in the middle of nowhere "Chicks on Dix." lmao! we had a good laugh at that one. so we decide we're on the wrong road so we turn around and sudenly dix becomes vernor which was impossible since we went from vernor to dix. no we're back on vernor? [me: "hey guys there's salina street which means salina school's nearby. at least we're in dearborn."; five minutes later.. cory: "there's salina street, we must be in dearborn." oh geez..] we head down wyomming and it dead ends into the dearborn sausage factory. so we do a couple donut circles in the parking lot trying to figure out where to go. we pull out and go down this one road. we pass so gas stations and michelle wanted out so she could go pee [she even unlocked her door and undid her seatbelt..she was ready to jump out ASAP! the gas stations were rather sketchy or grungy. "Look a Belltire..oopss..CLOSED."; michelle: "OHHH!! a port-a-potty!" kim: "michelle that's behind barbed wire." michelle: "i'll jump it anyway!"] michelle was hurting she had to pee so badly and our laughter wasn't doing her much help. we passed this little 5x5 foot taco hut in the middle of the sidewalk and michelle wanted to ask if the had a bathroom. "oh course they don't!" opening car doors in the middle of detroit. what's teh street name? GLARE...uggghh. we can't find our way back to armando's to start over and we are now heading further into detroit. kim keeps telling us to turn and take this street and that street. finally after passing the same street corner at leadt 3 times kim recongnizes Roman Village [me too] and tells us she knows how to get home from here now. so we take dix and go under the tunnel and over the water spraying bridge again for like the 50th time and past the Chicks on Dix strip club and past these worn down warehouse and pollution making factories left and right. "sunoco..pull over! i have to pee!" "michelle that's for truck equipment only." "HURRY!!!!!!" michelle was dying. she was gripping her bladder. we get stuck behind several semi-trucks in the right curb lane. all these cars are honking. cory: "why does everybody honk? on the way to armando's..5 minutes ago..now. WHAT?! is my car on FIRE? is there something on the roof of my car?!" pretty soon all the semis and cars in front of us try to merge over to the left. after they cleared the way, we saw why. the railroad arm was down and the lights were flashing. the arm was only like half way down but it was down enough that people in the right curb lane couldn't get through. cory merged left and was at the front of the lane at the railroad. the intersection light above said red. cory sat there. it was michelle's worst nightmare. stopped cuz a train was coming. michelle was freaking out. she started crying because she had to pee so bad. it only made the rest of us laugh harder. cars from all directions starting whizzing by, going around the railraod arm. WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!?!? they're goinna get run over by the train. even tho the light is red, the cars behind cory are honking at him. cory: "WHAT DO I DO? THERE'S A TRAIN COMING!" me and kim were freaking out beacuse due to nearby buildings, you couldn't see down the track to see if a train really was coming. with our luck the train's going to come as we're rossing the tracks. i told him to listen out the window for the train. there was no train sound. me and kim didn't want him to go and michelle was screaming at him to go or else her bladder might explode. cory went around the arm..safely. i was freaking out. i tought for sure we were gonna get hit by a train. now we were on oakwood and we stopped at a grungy party store beacuse michelle couldn't handle it anymore. she got out with kim and they went in the store [michelle: "i need to button my pants." "it's gonna hurt to sit down."]. 2 seconds later they were out..no bathroom. across the road was a donut shop. me and cory sat in the car. and michelle and kim ran across oakwood. since cars were coming they had to run across. it was so funny to see michelle run across when she had to pee. it was more of a walk, trot. a couple minutes later the two of them came out and ran back across. actually full out running. cory: "is her pants buttoned? if they are, she pee'd" me:"i can't tell..her shirt's pulled down." i knew michelle had found a bathroom. back in the car, kim and michelle told us about how they had asked the lady at the cash register how to get to dearborn. michelle: "the lady said to take oakwood back towards where we came from...she had no teeth." we all burst out laughing..should we trust this lady? lol. A sign saying "Welcome to Melindale" was to our right. kim: "Melvindale is next to Dearborn. let's go right." cory: "when have your directions worked yet today? the lady said go left." kim won that battle and we went right. cory got fed up and thought we were going the wrong way and he didn't want to backpeddle anymore so he stopped at a gas station and asked the attendant. the attendant said there "are many dearborns...southfield." and since we were confused..reluctantly we took kim's advice and kept going right. eventually oakwood passed the new target and the "place of our employment". lol. cory took us all to his house and then kim drove me home. it was such a fun night. IT WILL BE A NIGHT I WILL NEVER FORGET
>> Finished my book.. "The Dive from Clausen's Pier" <3<3<3
>> World Series of Pop Culture.