The Hotness of Shanks and Flanigan

Nov 18, 2007 21:55

Just home from the Creation Con in Burbank. I'll be writing a painfully complete report for Solutions (first bits of news already posted here), but I just had to squee a bit about the Shankster and The Flan in particular... both were so on form and so beautiful to behold.

Michael brought his 9-year-old daughter Tatiana along, and she is such a pretty girl. Mom's coloring but dad's features, and his long legs too :) She was sometimes bored sitting off to the side, but also very cute, even asking a question of her dad about how he felt when he got the job of Daniel. MS said he was very happy to have a job so he could make money and have babies. :) So cute. Even with the hat, he looked so pretty. He has a habit of rubbing his leg or touching his neck. Which only makes me jealous of his hand. Heh. What comes across is a lot of gratitude for Stargate, a bit of uncertainty about what the future holds, but also that he's having fun with all the family time and hopeful that he and Chris will make some things happen via "Slacktwaddle Productions".

I saw Joe 2 years ago at his first con appearance. He was great, but today was so much more relaxed, funny, and willing to riff on questions and go on and on with them. He chuckled a lot, moved around the stage, interacted very nicely, told stories he knows are disturbing, like the time his dad got him out of bed to go slaughter all the turkeys, which were bigger than he was.

He clearly has strong ideas about the show and the cast and doesn't kiss producer ass at all, nor sugar coat things to the fans. He thought killing Carson was a really bad mistake and gave a nice shout out to Save Carson Beckett for being very effective, and lamented that the fan reaction to Weir leaving was not strong enough. He seems pretty aware of the fandom, and remarked on how much time Joe M. spends on his blog. :) He loves his parents. His dad is really his step-dad, but adopted him after marrying his mom. He knows he needs to feed his family, so his work choices reflect that. He's very practical that way.

Well, now I'm rambling... a couple of pics to tied you over until my con report is done... the boys in rather silly poses.

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