Title: Muddy Love
Fandom: 24
Characters: Michelle Dessler/Tony Almeida
Prompt: Hugs and Cuddles 10 - Bear Hugs
Word Count: 517
Rating: PG
Summary: Tony just wants a little bit of muddy love.
Author's Notes: Sorry for my hiatus from these prompts. I ran into a bit of writer's block combined with the insanity of my schedule lately. Hopefully these are worth the wait! Thank you to everyone for the feedback you've given me, including a request to try to make them a little longer. I'll do my best from now on!
"Ew, Tony!"
He couldn't stop the grin that spread at her pronouncement. She was such a girl sometimes. Not that he'd want her any other way, it was just funny to hear his usually even-keeled girlfriend's voice reach that particularly high pitch. All over a muddy hug.
"What, Michelle? You don't want a hug?"
"Not when you're like that, no." Her nose wrinkled adorably. "What'd you do? Fall in a hole? How do you get that muddy?"
"It's football, Michelle. And it just rained. Now, c'mere, it'll be fun."
She was on her feet before he was halfway to her chair. "No. No no no no. Don't even think about it, mister."
His sweaty, mud-covered form moved closer. He could cut her off before she made too much of a break for it.
"Tony Almeida, you stay back. I did not come to this silly game at dawn and watch you show off only to have you to get me muddy."
Oh she was hot when she lectured him. Call him sick, but he loved that scolding edge to her voice. If she'd use that tone with him, he'd happily roll in mud and chase her around every day.
"Ah, sweetheart, you loved getting up at dawn to watch me show off." He managed to swipe at her waist before she darted to one side. "I saw that look in your eye."
"You saw me wincing, Tony," she called over her shoulder, putting more distance between them. "The testosterone was pretty overwhelming."
She squealed again, darting behind a group of abandoned camp chairs to avoid his questing fingers.
"You love my testosterone."
He heard her snort and he supposed he should be offended. He would've been if she hadn't offered him one of those gorgeous grins over her shoulder.
If only she'd also been looking where she was going. He watched as her foot landed in a puddle, splattering those sexy little not-shorts-but-not-pants that were hugging her ass so nicely with fat drops of brown mud. Her attempted skid to a halt only made things worse, as her feet kept going and the rest of her didn't.
On the bright side, now she was just as muddy as he was.
He grinned, leaning over her and offering his hand. "Need help, sweetheart? I think you might be muddier than me, now."
"I know."
He hauled her up, taking one more opportunity to laugh at her misfortune before she could swat him.
"Eh, come here. Hug it out. Hug it out."
The eyeroll he got in return only made his arms tighten around her, trapping her against his chest. She could wiggle if she wanted, but she wasn't escaping his muddy love.
He felt her sag against him, resigning herself to the bear hug as her breath puffed against his shirt.
"Blegh, Tony, you stink."
The chuckle burst from his throat. "You love it, baby."
"I'll love getting you home and into a bath more. I'll even join you."
Now there was an incentive.
"Let's go."
Her delighted laugh made him grin. "Lead the way, sweetheart."