Save the Drama...

Oct 16, 2008 11:42

Alright guys, you know me. All of you know me in some way, and I'd hope you know me well enough to know that I'm not a drama loving fool (in fact, I'm about to throw up about the fact that I'm even doing this.)

For over a year my number one lj rule has been this:
*I don't dig Fandom Stupid or Fandom Drama - If you think you'll be starting something, don't bother.

I'll be honest, I pretty much live by this rule, and thus, it bothers me when that rule has to be discarded, even by my own hand, but I'm not going to sit by and take this.

I respect the right that everyone has in a fandom to have their own opinions and ideas of a character/how a character is supposed to react. In fact, I usually encourage everyone to form their own ideas about characters...within reason.

You (and you know who you are) have crossed the line. You force your morals onto this character like she's a puppet, and you throw a temper tantrum when others don't fall in line. And that has to stop. MiB-24, buddy, I'm calling you out.

A couple of days ago you sent me an email (possibly because you were too cowardly to take being told by agent_almeida and featherjean amongst others how ridiculous you are) asking me "Why do I insist on writing stories where Michelle is a 'whore/lesbian'?" I don't. I write stories where Michelle is a woman with NEEDS. Women, even Michelle, occasionally turn to the WRONG people when they need comfort. I'm sorry that you're too wrapped up in your own penis-envy to see that.

Now I have a question for you: Why do YOU insist on foisting your own moral agenda onto the rest of the world and convincing yourself and others that it's "good characterization"? I haven't seen a single piece of good characterization come from you - all I see is unidimensional, junior high school puppets that spout exactly what the author wants them to. If you can't see that, then I'm sorry.

To be honest, I even respect your right to spout your ridiculous, disgusting opinions. That's what makes us different, my friend. However, you do not get the right to try to scare everyone with a different opinion away. I've seen it happen on, you don't get to do it here. You don't get to be the Queen Bee anymore. You can keep your forum, with your oh-so pious promises that "you won't ban anyone just because you don't like them/their stories" (the sheer audacity to that statement makes me laugh. You! The content nazi.) and you can continue telling everyone there how evil the rest of us are, because we believe in keeping our characters true to life. But this post, this is public, this is on record. You aren't the keeper of all things Tony/Michelle, and you don't get to tell me or my fellow authors how to write our stories. If our "lame excuses" aren't to your liking, too bad. The back button's that way. You can exercise your fingers just as I can.

Lurkers to my LJ? Please don't be scared to step forward. If you're here because you found me through, thank you! If you want to speak up, I accept anonymous comments and that won't change. If you've got an lj, and you're not on my flist, that's okay too. And lastly, if you're so offended by my finally standing up for myself (and the other writers in this fandom that MiB-24 tries to keep down), please feel free to remove me from your flist/reading filter/whatever. I have no desire to force you to stay should you disagree with me.

fandom sucks hardcore, life stuff

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