What is your name? ...and, Who Am I?
And the Angel answered, you are Living Light and Luminous Life ...and, you are God!
" I have never desired to learn any sciences, but from early youth I strove after the salvation of my soul, and thought how I might inherit or possess the kingdom of heaven.
Now while I was wrestling and battling, being aided by God, a wonderful light arose within my soul. It was a light entirely foreign to my unruly nature, but in it I recognized the true nature of God and man, and the relation existing between them, a thing which heretofore I had never understood, and for which I never would have sought."
-- Jacob Boehme
"...The awakening comes to those who are hungry for it, to those who wrestle and battle for it, to those who will not be content with anything less. But it does not come during our moments of stress and struggle. The hunger, the wrestling and the battling--these are necessary, but they are also only preparatory. We read, therefore, in LIGHT ON THE PATH: "Look for the flower to bloom in the silence that follows the storm; not till then."
--Paul Foster Case