just a quickie

Aug 22, 2010 22:54

Dude, I think summer is over. Epic rain this last week (weekend in particular) has been supergross. Also, it means spraying MSC in the laundryroom again. Take that, laundy sink! This reminds me I should check whether I should somehow weather-proof my Fluevogs, now that it's getting periodically cool enough to wear boots. And since Twee Chickenpants is lounging on the desk here, I am also reminded of yet another contest to pimp to you guys (since I know several of us enjoy our random toys and plushes):
Another one brought to you by plushteam, and this time donated by the creator of the chickenpants army!

I've got a closetchild order likely to ship this week and since the special USB cable for the Nikon appears to be permanently awol, we just bought a cardreader from Futureshop so I can finally upload some of these epic Rhea shots. From the winter. Which also reminds me that W T F how come no one in the universe sells the PS2->PS3 (usb) adaptor?! We just bought one off amazon because I bought friggin' DDRBITCHES on Sat. to hypothetically ramp up some sort of exercise program. Also, hado gets better scores than me on Lady Gaga and Pussycat Dolls. *emotear*

contests, lolita, pets, plush

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