not much + flickr

Jan 22, 2010 08:18
sheesh, that took forever to actually do. Now to actually upload photos for etsy etc. I've made two "sales" on etsy; one to a friend haha, and one to some random girl who hasn't paid 3 days later so now I'm assuming she's not going to. UGH I seem to be getting views at least.

been puzzling because I borrowed jigsaws from goldi @ work; the first is borderless with 5 extra pieces, but somehow I'm missing 6? I caught rhea somehow flipping one off her nose, so no idea whether chloe stole them or if rhea actually ATE some. o_O; second puzzle is a photomosaic and will take the rest of eternity.

been sewing more plushies and ani-scarves potentially for etsy etc. but need to do the whole photos etc. gotta gotta gotta do so many things. wedding "sometime this spring" and mid-august to sew for; dresses and perhaps wedding gifts as well. cake-sara is super-crafty and cakey and would like it, and leslie/simon too, if he's got a tartan that would make things easier. We'll see.

puzzles, etsy, rhea, sewing, sniknacks

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