Why The Libyan Uprising Might Mean More Than The Protests In Egypt And Tunisia | The New Republic

Feb 23, 2011 07:09

Why The Libyan Uprising Might Mean More Than The Protests In Egypt And Tunisia | The New Republic

Ben Ali and Mubarak were low-hanging fruit, but, if a tyrant as vicious and murderous as Qaddafi can be taken out, it would seem just about anyone can be. If the people of Libya manage to overthrow him, it might even inspire Iran’s Green Movement to finish what it started in 2009 and push all the way to the end.

Let us hope so. Especially because the next sentence reads:

But if Qaddafi survives by mass murder, which he just might, and if the world lets him get away with it, the Iranian regime and other despotic governments will take comfort in the knowledge that they, too, might do the same without consequence.
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