May 14, 2008 20:13
This semsester was an alright semester. All my grades are finally in and I'm glad it's over. My GPA went down by .03 points, but I am confident I can bring it up by more than that by next semester. (But, I made the Dean's and Chancellor's lists.) I need to take the GRE soon, so I can get an idea of where I need to improve, because I am hoping to get my PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology once I am done here.
Summer courses:
ECO 201: Micoroeconomics (An online game where you are an alien race on a planet.)
ENG 201: European Lit: Ancient to Rennaissance
CCI 201: Introduction to Greek Civilization
Next semester courses:
Italian 101
Japanese 101
Psy 311: Research Methods
Psy 380: Psychology and the law
Psy 385: IQ & Intelligence
(will possibly add) Psy 433: Research Experience Psychology