Oct 28, 2006 17:51
I'm still workin' or should I say venting about this.
Pneumonia is death-
It literally is,
I'm not making this up
A lot of people die
Each day and every
Minute 'cuz of it
And that's not makin'
Me feel any better
About this horrific
Cough I have.
Plus I smoke!
A pack a day
Means I'm fucked.
Why can't I have
This kind of luck
At the casino?
I'd gladly take
Wakin' up in
A panic state
Sinus cavity so plugged
Snot rolls like molasses
Down my throat
'cuz there is no
Place for it to go
Lungs gasp for air
Half filled with fluid
To feel like I'm drowing
All for a grand a day?
It never works that way-
If your like most
You work at a menial
Office job, in retail
Or work with the public
And are forced to receive
Fake sympathy before
A lengthy breifing
About how every now
And then their nose
Starts drippin' and
Occassionally they
Have a slight tickle
In their possibly
Swollen throat that
Causes them to cough-
A little
As if you didn't feel
Bad enough already
You listen to this
All day while your
Raw nostrils burn from
The constant slimy snot
That gathers on
Your upper lip
You inturrupt their woes
With coughs capable of
Dislodging a piece of lung