coding craziness

Sep 11, 2008 23:18

Did some work in Octave today (open source matlab).  Got 3/4 of the way to my goal with a very inefficient solution, and then Mike helped me learn about different operators to reduce it by 2/3 of the number of lines.

And now it works and is super open-ended for many mind changes about the ocean conditions I am modeling.  Sweet.  Uli better like it!

I'm actually excited about learning more!  Although Octave is very different from say, PHP.

At any rate, it is past my school week bedtime, and I'm too pumped to sleep!  Drat.

In other news, I headed a soccer ball in practice yesterday for the first time.  It wasn't coming at me with much velocity, but I still didn't really want to.  At least it *might* be an option come game-time if it is off a bounce or something.  First game's Sunday, and I can't wait!
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