Aug 04, 2004 22:34
Things that should be much made much simpler are causing me a lot of grief...I can get a loan for a car after a lot of work and credit building...but I can't afford insurance...they quoted $4400 a year...WTF mate? I could even handle $3000, but any more than that is way out of reach for me...although that does include collision, and my dad told them that one of my fender benders was 2 years ago rather than 3...but I need collision to get a car loan, so I'm screwed...I was going to get a little extra with that loan to cover my credit card as now it seems I need to settle on a cheap car, and still be stuck with my credit card debt.
On a brighter note, since I last updated, I got a promotion, and I'm making $3 an hour more than I was...
On a shitty note, I haven't seen Katie in 2 months and a week and I miss her like nothing else...
On another bright note, I have some beer...
On another shitty note, I still can't do any socializing because I still don't have any transportation...
On yet another bright note, I've been playing a lot of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and it's friggin awesome...
Yeah, lets leave off on a good note 8^)