Well, I'm Never Going To Remember This Title Without Looking It Up

Dec 09, 2018 20:16

Is the season over already? Where does the time go? Is it being eaten by Chronovores or something?


Well, that one wasn't bad. I'm not sure how much sense it all makes, and it's maybe a little unsatisfying on that basis. But the weirdness it has feels very much like Doctor Who weirdness. Indeed, it feels very Classic Who. (Right down to ridiculous things like the "duck and let the enemy shoot each other" maneuver. Which... really?) Although Classic Who, of course, would have taken considerably longer to tell this story, which I do think would have been to its benefit. There's a lot in here that could, and perhaps should, have been slowed down and unpacked more.

Still, yeah, not bad. It's got a good atmosphere to it, and it lacks the plot irritations I find so hard to get past in so much of Chibnall's stuff. Not to mention some very good guest actors who manage to sell some not always great dialog really well. (Mark Addy as Paltraki is particularly fantastic, which is all the more impressive as, when you stop to think about it, there's not all that much to the character.) And it certainly looked good.

Also, I would have said that Tim Shaw was not a bad guy I ever wanted to see again, but he's definitely more interesting, or at least more menacing here. And even if he wasn't, he provides us with some absolutely great stuff for Graham, who really has turned out to be the unexpected gem of the season, and some good moments between Graham and Ryan.

Some other random thoughts:

OK, I'm not shipping them, myself -- I'm very picky when it comes to Doctor/companion shipping -- but I can totally see why some folks are on the Doctor/Yaz train. Speaking of shipping, though: Thirteen/Ghost Monument OTP! Man, I never get tired of her smile when see sees the TARDIS.

All right, there is one plot irritation: the godlike alien lady really does change her mind far, far too easily. Especially given that she's basically a religious fanatic. The Doctor should have at least had to make a really great speech at her. But fortunately I didn't get too hung up on that.

I feel like this should be interesting on the basis that it involves the Doctor facing real consequences to her actions, but, unlike in Classic Who, that's a road we've been down often enough now that it no longer feels particularly noteworthy. Even when the show itself makes a point of noting it.

I also feel like, since this is the end of the season (not counting the New Year's Day special), I should have some kind of retrospective on it. But all I really have to say is: 1) While I had some serious problems with a lot of the storytelling this season, it did improve a lot towards the end, which is nice. 2) While I like Jodie Whittaker a lot and think a slightly more kind and considerate version of the Doctor is justified right now, I still find myself longing for her to have just a little bit more of an edge to her. Especially as I think Whittaker could play that wonderfully. And 3) the companions are marvelous and the dynamic between them is marvelous and I hope they hang around for a good long while. (And then depart willingly on good terms! I don't feel like we're having any of the weird attachment issues that have been so common with New Who companions, and that is truly a relief to me.)

And there we go. Now, I have just one question: What on Earth am I going to do with myself on Christmas this year?!

This entry was originally posted at https://astrogirl.dreamwidth.org/945923.html. Comment here or there, whichever you like.

doctor who, show discussion

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