So, another new Doctor Who.
And, well. After all the thin, anticlimactic, unsatisfying plots we've had this season, I made a point of setting my expectations for the plot stuff at rock bottom low for this one. But I'm not sure I did myself any favors there. I may have instead just prevented myself from suspending my disbelief and enjoying the story right from the beginning. Or maybe not. Maybe even if I'd gone in with the best will in the world, I was never going to find that stupid looking alien a scary threat. Sigh. It didn't help that there wasn't nearly as much awesome character stuff in this one as in previous episodes, either, and that I have mixed feelings about some of what there was. (Like Ryan projecting his own daddy issues all over the guy having the baby.)
Also... Geez, maybe I just was in a bad mood for this one or something, because I really, really hate to say this and I'm hoping I'll feel differently about it tomorrow, but... Well, I have been mostly liking the more considerate and supportive version of the Doctor we've gotten this time, but (after that moment of irrational selfishness that feels like it goes on too long but which I will let pass because she has lost her TARDIS -- again! -- and 13/TARDIS is OTP), she almost feels like she's overdoing it here, laying it on entirely too thick. Sigh...
Things I did like: The general was a good character, and the actor playing her brought some real dignity to her. And I also really liked the fact that there were lots and lots of little worldbuilding touches to make this particular future feel lived in (even if the sets were terribly sterile). Also the Doctor's familiarity with that environment. She may feel more at home on 20th/21st century Earth, having spent ridiculous amounts of time there, but she has been around a lot, and it's good to see that in evidence. Makes it feel like the universe revolves around contemporary Britain a little bit less.
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