Jun 07, 2014 12:35
Hello, hello! It has occurred to me that although I've posted some updates on my other blog and answered a few comments here, I never actually posted here to say that, hey, I survived my surgery. So, hey, I survived my surgery! My convalescence seems to be going very well. I'm getting a lot of books read. And will eventually get around to doing a much-belated May Book Log post here, although I'm really not sure when. My engagement with the internet these days is still very limited (obviously), due to a combination of finite energy levels and discomfort/soreness when I sit up at the keyboard for very long. Which, of course, still means that comments, e-mails, etc. are likely to have random and highly variable response times, ranging anywhere from a few minutes to several weeks. I miss you all, of course, but for the moment, to use the internet terminology, I have a limited number of spoons. Eventually that will change -- I hope! -- but it's undoubtedly going to take a while, and I am committed to not pushing it.
Until then, take care of yourselves. And I'll look forward to catching up with you all properly when I can!