Meanwhile, Back In Storybrooke...

Nov 10, 2013 20:21

Hey, for once I am actually home on a Sunday to watch OUaT as it airs! Although I've been sick enough lately that I honestly wasn't sure I wasn't going to fall asleep before it came on.

But, since I didn't, let's see what there is to say about it...

Let's start with Belle. My dissatisfaction with the S2 finale and the way it completely failed to address any of the darker or more disturbing aspects of her time as Lacey has faded a bit with time. And I can see how, at the moment, the fact that Rumple's off on what was intended to be a suicide mission would kind of trump whatever other feelings she might otherwise have about their relationship right now. But, man, I really, really want to see more complexity and realism in that relationship, and less sappiness. And I am increasingly thwarted in that. Sigh.

On the plus side, it is nice to see the real Belle again, and get to see her actually doing things. Her frustrated desire to get to be the hero does seem quite believable for her, even if I think it was a bit, I dunno, overdone. And teaming up with the people she's been warned about because she realizes they're also victims is pure her.

Speaking of relationship stories I'm a little disappointed in... I'm not terribly happy that now that we're getting some Hook & Neal interaction, it's all about their rivalry over Emma. I'm much, much more interested in the history between them and how they feel about each other at this point independent of Emma, and there's no acknowledgment of any of that at all. Phooey.

And at least the Snow/Charming relationship is being handled well. David gets very much the reaction he deserves, but this is a couple who can fight and be really, really mad at each other for good reasons, and yet still ultimately love each other, and I think that's handled unusually well here.

As for Pan... Well, I must say, I never guessed who it was he had in that cage. But there is a dark, twisted brilliance to the idea of him holding Wendy captive. Also dark, twisted, and brilliant is his ploy to use her to manipulate Henry. I begin to understand why Rumple regards him as a genuinely scary opponent.

I am, however, wondering how the hell Pan communicates with his flunkies in our world. Dammit, show. Every time I come up with an explanation for why all this travel back and forth between our world and all these magical places doesn't undermine the entire premise of the series, you go and make it harder again!

once upon a time, show discussion

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