Holiday Who!

Dec 25, 2012 20:52

Ah, the best part of Christmas: New Who!

Some comments on "The Snowmen":

OK, that was silly in pretty much the same way that the Christmas specials usually are. I think the plot was probably paper-thin, although it's hard to say, because there was so much other stuff going on that it was a little difficult to pay attention to. (I did figure out the identity of the aliens as soon as the Doctor started going on about the London Underground, though, which I was rather proud of.) But, whatever the plot was actually about, I enjoyed the episode as a whole very much. There were lots of cute and entertaining moments, including several that made me laugh out loud. Heck, by the time we got to "I'm a lizard woman..." I had to pause things for a while so I could finish ROTFLing before I went on.

Vastra, Jenny, and Strax continue to be immense fun. I could happily watch them for hours, which I think is an excellent argument for a spinoff series. Just sayin'. And I liked Clara a lot. She's exactly the right kind of crazy, and she's got great banter and chemistry with the Doctor, which is a very, very good thing, because the entire character-based heart of the episode would have failed miserably if it weren't immediately obvious how and why this one particular person could pull the Doctor out of his funk. Of course, many other things about her are very much not obvious, immediately or otherwise, so I'm really hoping the whole WTFish question of her identity does eventually make some kind of sense, even if it's only Whovian sense.

Speaking of the character arc here... OK, listen, Doctor. I think you've probably earned the right to withdraw into a sulk for a bit, and I totally get why this particular example of "Waah, my companions are gone" is different and warrants a more extreme response. I also found watching you being dragged kicking and screaming out of it this way quite "aww"-worthy, so I'm not complaining, really. All that having been said... That is something you only get to do every several centuries. You've more than used up your quota now. Don't let it happen again. Thank you. (While we're at it, I think you've used up your quota of "Doctor who?" jokes for the next several centuries, too.)

I think I like the classical sci-fi look of the new TARDIS interior, but it's going to take a lot of getting used to. Of course, I think I said that about the last redesign, and I adapted to that one pretty quickly, so who knows? As for the new credit sequence, it seems a bit overdone, but it does feel very Who-like, somehow. So, okay, why not?

doctor who, show discussion

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