I've got my mother staying with me, and I'm getting ready to go on vacation, but of course I made time to watch the new Who. Not much time to talk about it, though, which is a pity, because
I'm sure there ought to be lots and lots of thinky-thoughts to have about this one. In lieu of those, though, I'll just say that I did like this one. A little fun, a little creepy, a little sad, and really very poignant. Man, I like Eleven's angst so much more than Ten's. I think because he's not a lonely god. He's a lonely man.
ETA: Oh, and I forgot the actually spoilery bit, which is that here I was just saying after the last ep that I was certain they would never write the Ponds out at this point in the series. Who likes to make me look foolish like that! I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them though. Very sure.