Still watching Burn Notice. Maddie Westen = awesome. Definitely one of my all-time favorite TV moms.
When I'm done with that, I think it'll be time to go back for some more DS9. I believe I'm up to S4 on my slow, intermittent rewatch. At this rate, maybe I'll be done with it in a couple of years.
Current half-hour show for watching on the treadmill is The Weird Al Show, Al's short-lived kids' show from the 90s. It ranges from moderately funny to borderline terrible, depending on how much the network decided to fuck with it that week, but the commentaries, which are almost entirely about how much the network decided to fuck with them that week, are consistently entertaining.
On the fic front, I seem to be spending more time of late enabling other people's fic-writing madness than generating my own. Which is kind of nice, because you get all the fun of kicking ideas around without any of the annoying heavy lifting of actually writing. But I really need to start thinking about the Stark/Zhaan story I promised to do for
mtgat sometime before December. I'm really out of practice with Farscape fic, sadly. All I seem to have, idea-wise, is one little thing I never got around to writing back in my Scaper heyday, but that's not more than a ficlet-length idea. I dunno, maybe I can do a little "random scenes from the relationship" story. I think I've made that sort of thing work before, with a reasonable amount of success.
Also, I really do think I'm going to write cartoon mouse fic for
intoabar, if that ever kicks off again.
Oh, and, yes, I still have an "Endless Circle of Fic" ficlet request outstanding. Since it's a DS9 request, I thought maybe I'd wait till I got back to it and refreshed my memory, only certain Florida-based ex-spies insisted on assaulting my TV first, and you don't want to argue with those people.