I Accidentally Wrote A Doctor Who Drabble

May 16, 2011 18:48

Well, really, I kind of had to.

Title: The Conjugal Bed
Summary: The answer to Rory's question.
Rating/Warnings: Despite the title, this really is G-rated. Spoilers for "The Doctor's Wife."
Length: 100 words
Notes: This is sort of an episode tag for "The Doctor's Wife," or is set shortly thereafter, or something. I can't help being convinced it happened. Yeah, look at me, being a sappy old shipper...

The Conjugal Bed

He doesn't have a room. The Doctor sleeps, when he sleeps, wherever he happens to be. The console room. A chair in the library, if it's not soggy after a visit from the swimming pool. Sometimes there are bedrooms where he doesn't remember them, right there when he wants them. No part of his ship is any less his than any other part.

Tonight, when he's finished recalibrating her circuits until she hums, he lies down where he is, his body curled around the pleasantly warm base of her console.

In the morning, they find him smiling in his sleep.

doctor who fic, ficlet

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