Apr 14, 2011 10:47
So I, uh, found some Merlin icons. I like looking at Uther. I don't know why. I sort of want to pat him and tell him not to worry so much about the whole magic thing. At which point he would probably immediately order my execution.
Man, I don't know what it is with me lately, fandom-wise. For the longest time, I was the next thing to monofannish, with two or three big fandoms I'd been in forever taking up most of my time and attention, and everything else basically just being stuff I like to watch, but lately it's just been one thing after another giving me that warm & glowy fannish feeling. (You know the one, right?) The bizarre thing is, it's mostly not even shows I'd actually go around recommending to people. I mean, there was Supernatural a while back, which I regard as something of a guilty pleasure, and now there's Merlin, which is an entirely different kind of guilty pleasure. I guess somewhere in there was Sherlock, which I at least don't feel remotely guilty about, although that one came and went pretty quickly, and I don't think I talked about it much, except to ask for fic recs. (Many of which were awesome, by the way, but please don't give me any more right now, as I really ought to be doing other things than reading fic.) Oh, and of course before all that, there was my Pretender obsession, which... Well, that one I do recommend to people, but it's got its own this-is-simultaneously-an-awesome-show-and-a-lame-one issues.
My current theory -- which, OK, doesn't account for the Pretender thing, but I have people to blame for that -- is that I'm trying to fill a Doctor Who shaped gap in my life, and things will be a bit more normal in a little over a week. Maybe. Until then, I don't even have the fun of watching stuff along with everyone else, as it's always me catching things on DVD months or years after they air and having to avoid current discussions for fear of spoilers. Yes, yes, it's so difficult to be me...
(This post is brought to you by Remix procrastination. Remix procrastination: bringing pointless rambling posts to fandom for nine years!)
my brain,
pointless rambling