Two more batches of icons for the icon meme! In case you have forgotten the rules, they are:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of Icon Squee!
yetanothermask gave me:
This is Sikozu-Stark from Farscape. Because Farscape is the kind of show in which freaky AUs where, for no reason that is ever explained, all the characters have been randomly merged with each other is canon. So this character is a little Sikozu, a little Stark, a lot adorable, and as unlucky as Stark always is in any universe. The reason it's my "AstroGirl" icon is because Stark's Crichton-bestowed nickname is "Astro" or "Astroboy," so obviously the girl version is... Yeah.
kernezelda made this one for me, and it's been my default icon forever. I'm not tired of it yet!
More of Farscape proving that no one matches it for the crack. I... can't even describe this scene adequately. All I can say is that ten seconds later, there's a Muppet in bondage gear. Farscape knows what you like!
It's by
redstarrobot and is useful when discussing kinkiness or Farscapian crack.
This is Servalan from Blake's 7, the show's main antagonist and evil overlord. In the scene this image comes from, she's just finally captured Our Protagonists' ship, and is ordering it to "maximum power!" in a triumphantly dramatic fashion.
kalypso_v made this one for me because my non-LJ blog (which is also syndicated here on LJ) is called "Maximum Verbosity."
So, this is the Tenth Doctor. The Doctor has traditionally been viewed by a large segment of fandom as being completely asexual, but by the time you get to the Tenth Doctor, canon has, um, started undermining that assumption significantly. The icon is by
nostalgia_lj .
And another icon about the Doctor's sex life. Sort of. The text is dialog from an innuendo-laden phone conversation between the Tenth Doctor and the Master. This images are of a phone conversation between the Third Doctor and a different incarnation of the Master. Yeah, the more things change... It's by
zabbers, and it amuses me ridiculously.
kernezelda gave me these:
This is Avon from Blake's 7. Avon is notorious, among other things, for appearing to become less and less mentally stable as the series goes on, and this image is one of his most gloriously insane moments, in "Gold," in which their latest life-endangering plan has just backfired miserably and he is about to burst into crazy laughter. Although this may, in fact, be a perfectly sane response to living in the B7verse. The icon is by
Ah, classic Star Trek technobabble! You've gotta love it! This image is obviously from the episode "Mirror, Mirror," based on their clothing, but that's not really the point. The point is that sometimes it's really all about the technobabble. The icon is by "Echo." I'm not sure what she is on LJ.
I think I've talked about this one before, actually. It's Meegat, a guest character from an episode of Blake's 7 who has what, from her perspective, is surely a very Mary Sue-like experience. I can almost imagine her writing fic about it afterwards. And, really, where else would she post it? This one is also by
These are weevils from Torchwood. Which means that, yes, the second one is the lesser of two weevils. You may groan now. The icon is by
This one is from
this xkcd cartoon. I believe that graph is scientifically accurate.