It might be a little early for this, but I honestly do not think I'm going to write anything substantial in the next four and a half days. So... End of the Year Fanfiction Meme! This version I have lazily cut-and-pasted from
But first, a list of what I've written this year. As usual, I'm not including stuff I've just tossed off for things like the "Endless Cycle of Fic" meme, but only longish (for me) stuff, and stuff written for ficathons, and thus presumably taken a bit more seriously. Also, last year's Yuletide stories get included here, since I wasn't allowed to admit I'd written them until after the new year, and this year's isn't included for the same reason. Let's see what we have, then...
"Every Bodyguard Loves Somebody Sometime" (Venture Bros.)
"It's the Thought" (Venture Bros.)
"One Too Many" (Farscape/Doctor Who)
"Parallel Lives in Non-Euclidean Space" (Doctor Who)
"Dance in the Snow (The Chiana Was Here Remix)" (Farscape)
"Does The Doctor Know Where His Towel Is?" (Doctor Who/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
"Time Is Out of Joint (The Not Born to Set It Right Remix)" (Doctor Who)
"Recruitment Attempt #1" (Deep Space 9/Venture Bros.)
For a total of eight stories. Which is sad, because I seem to remember my fic-writing goal last year being to write more than eight stories. Ah, well. Themes this year appear to be Venture Bros. and weird, random crossovers. Blame Yuletide and
Anyway, on to the questions.
Favorite story this year: I'm going to have to go with "Does the Doctor Know Where His Towel Is?" I wasn't very sure about it at first, but I keep re-reading it, and every time I do, I like it better and better. It is very possibly the sort of thing I'd be squeefully linking to if somebody else had written it.
My best story this year: Definitely "Does the Doctor Know Where His Towel Is?" I got tons of comments and compliments on that one, which is what induced me to keep going back and re-reading it. So public opinion is capable of getting me to reevaluate my own work!
Most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I don't know... I am a little bemused by the fact that my regular Yuletide story from last year, "Every Bodyguard Loves Somebody Sometime," which I put some care into and was pretty pleased with, got a far less enthusiastic response than "It's the Thought," my last-minute pinch hit. But I will admit that I can understand why.
Most fun story: "Does the Doctor Know Where His Towel Is?" again. If you're writing a Douglas Adams pastiche and it's not fun, something is very badly wrong. "It's the Thought" gets an honorable mention, though, because the Monarch is never not fun.
Sexiest story: I guess that would be "It's the Thought." Which isn't even really very sexy, but it does have lingerie. And, you know, sex.
"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Nothing seems to qualify this year. How disappointing. Well, Odo and Brock meeting in a bar was, if not wrong, at least deeply WTFish.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Hmm. Well, "Every Bodyguard Loves Somebody Sometime" really helped me firm up my ideas about Myra, even if it was more a question of fleshing them out than of shifting them.
Hardest story to do: "Time Is Out of Joint (The Not Born to Set It Right Remix)." As I said at the time, it was a really interesting choice of story to remix, but so not up my alley. Once I figured out how to approach it, it wasn't all that difficult, though. It was figuring out what to do with it that was challenging. As far as the actual writing goes, I seem to remember having the most trouble with "Parallel Lives in Non-Euclidean Space," but don't ask me to get into specifics, because I honestly don't remember it very well.
Biggest surprise: Brock and Odo? Seriously, Brock and Odo!?
Most revealing story: I don't know that any of them are especially revealing. I guess "Every Bodyguard" reveals my strange fascination with Myra, but that wasn't exactly a secret.